Cute and Unique Poetic Love Messages for Him to Fall in Love with You


Cute and Unique Poetic Love Messages for Him to Fall in Love with You

For the one you love, here are poetic love messages for him, deep meaningful love poems for him and new relationship poems for him.

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 Long Poetic Love Messages. Your man is your pride of honour. Give him the honour that makes him feel like a true king. Love Messages for Him

For the heart of the man you truly love, there is nothing too small that you can do to make him happy. A word of love can go a long way to make him so happy. Show appreciation to the one who gives you joy from the depth of your heart with sweet messages of love that would make him love you like never before.

Are you searching for how do you say I like you in poetic messages, what to tell him to make him fall in love with you, what is the best love message for him, how do you express deep love in words for him, how do I make him feel like a king or what's a deeper word for love? Then right here, you have gotten the best among the best love messages for him to fall in love deeply.

Poetic Love Messages for HerThough everyone has their idea of what might be considered romantic, be it as it may, just let these romantic love poems be that which makes your man feels proud of you. Short Poetic Love Messages

The Aura

The aura of your love,
Feels my heart with desire.
It elevated me to the high heaven,
And now I want you;
Every minute of the day,
So I could feel the essence;
Of your true love forever.

Your Worth

You’re worth a million to me.
Nothing can take your love,
Away from me.
When I needed love,
You were there;
To give me one,
And now I can’t imagine;
Building my world without you.

What My Eye See

I see the world through your eye.
I see love through your heart.
I see myself through your care.
I see life through your tender actions.
And in all, I see me through you.

You Set My Imagination

You set my imagination on fire.
You burn my heart with love.
You make me blind to none else but you.
Now all I see is you and your love for me.

My Desire

Your love arouses my desire,
And made me live in want of you.
Now I need you like never before,
So I can love you like never before.

The Melody

The reign of your love,
Arouse my heart.
The melody of your voice,
Weakens my soul.
Now I’m addicted,
To love you;
That I might live,
In love with you forever.

What Attracts Me

Your love attracts me,
Like bees to honey.
Anytime I taste it,
The sweetness that it brings;
My heart can’t do without it.
Your love is my honey,
To it shall I taste till the end of time.

Nsikak Andrew

Every Moment of the Day I Spent with You is Special. These are the best of the best every moment spent with you is a special message for the one you love. Let the one you love to share in these moments we spent together quotes, I miss the moments we spent together quotes, every moment spent with you is special, it was nice spending time with you messages, I enjoy every second spent with you quotes, I miss the moments we spent together quotes, I love the time we spent together quotes, I enjoyed every moment we spent together, I love every moment I spent with you quotes, time spent with you love quotes and it was nice spending time with you messages. These are the best of the best every moment spent with you is special romantic message for the one you love. These messages are I love every moment I spent with you messages for the love of your life. 

For a lifetime, I will be here for you. Every moment of the day, my love will guide and see you through all the stormy weather that might come your way.

I am loyal to your love, morning, noon, and night; it is you I want to see. Every moment of my life, it is your love I want to be around for me.

Every moment of the day, you bring me joy so hard to explain. Imagine how my life would have been without the tender touch of your love.

Your love is like the river that never dries. Every moment of the day, its loving kindness has quenched my thirst. Now I live to drink from the cup of her love.

Every day your love lifts me up and destroys the doubt in me. You have given me that which is hard to resist and that is your tender loving care.

You are my beauty in the sun, my moonlight in the dark, my charming love every day of the year. Truly, nothing can fault your love; the angel of my life.

Every passing day, I see myself falling in love with you. The reason is that your love keeps renewing my heart to fall in love with you over and over again. 

Touching Love Messages to Make Him Cry. Love poems would also be special. We have gotten some romantic love poems to spice the day of the one you love. Share this love poem for him or her and see your love glow without any restriction.

I See It In Your Eyes
The heart that beats as one has one thing in common
Feeling that is so infectious for the eyes to behold 
I see it in you, I see it around your eyes
This feeling of love is wide beyond imagination.

When I lay down to sleep
My sleep is deep with thoughts of you that reign
I see it in me; I behold it in your eyes
This touch of your love is sensual beyond my comprehension.

Amazing dream
I see it sparkled with the stare from your eyes
My song, my glory, my comfort, my joy beyond the limit
I see it in your eyes; I behold it in my imagination.

Nothing compares to the gaze I saw in your eyes
The brightness of her looming elevated my thought
Now I am comforted like the calmest of the morning storm
Peace in stormy weather, cold in the summer period.

I smile for this beauty I found in your eyes
The very moment you stare at me
I got lost in joy knowing that next
The morning shall arise with songs of conquest.

Forever I see
Let your eyes shine on the pathway
May the direction it leads, keep us together in love
For that which I see in your eyes, I am at peace with my soul.

Nsikak Andrew

Inspirational Love Poems for Him. There is too much hustle in the ghetto if you truly understand the real meaning of hustle. This ghetto love song is a romantic hustler’s poem for her, him, and your dear friends. If you have a love for the ghetto, enjoy this love poem song from her. Feel the vibes of this ghetto love song.

Ghetto Love
Born in the ghetto
Share more love for the ghetto
Make it real with my homies
We gat love to give back to the hood.

Getto love, my ghetto story
If you have never lived it
You will never know it
Early we wake and late we sleep
No discrimination for in one love we’re bond
Living for others like others lives for us.

Ghetto love my ghetto story
In the strength of love
We hustle to survive
No dull moment we never slack 
Everything we do, we keep it real.

Ghetto love
The smile goes on
Ours is like a storybook that ends well.
Nsikak Andrew

My Love for You is an Endless Poem. Tickle my heart and let it give a smile that would always make love proud to live right inside our hearts. Sometimes our heart in spite of its toughness goes emotional and this for sure makes us human. If the one you love, makes your heart beat, for sure this is love you are feeling. And if you send this heartfelt love poem to him or her, you wouldn’t be wrong if you do.

Heart Beat
Save me the heat,
And give me the beat,
Let my heart tingle
For my heartbeat twinkle.

Save me the tension
And give me the action
Let my heart mingle
For my heartbeat yearns.

Save me the embarrassment
And give me the enlargement
Let my heart fraternize
For my heartbeat liquidates.

Save me the emotion
And give me the motion
Let my heart journey
For my heartbeat wearies.

Save me the heart
And give me the life
Let my heart live
For, my heartbeat vibrates.

Save me,
Free me,
And let me be.

Nsikak Andrew

For Your Love I Will Always Wait for You. Here are short collections of I will wait for you no matter how long it takes romantic messages, I will wait for you no matter how long it takes quotes, I am waiting for you message, I am waiting for you, my love quotes I am waiting for your message quotes, I can't wait to be with you love letters, I am waiting for your reply SMS and I can't wait to be with you message.

Your love is worth waiting for. I shall wait for you, for I see a brighter future in the heart of the love that you have given to me.

I will be here always waiting patiently for your love. If the night falls or the sun shines, I will still wait, for your love is worth waiting for.

No matter the length of time, I shall ever be there for you. For your love, the length of time makes no meaning to me. 

Even if your love tarries, that will make my heart stronger to wait for you.

Even without your presence, I still feel the aura of your love in the air. Wherever you are, just know that your love keeps me around to wait for you.

Wherever you are the thought of you brightens my day. Even though I have to wait for you, I know you are there for me as my one and only.

Even though you are far away, I can still feel your presence right here with me. The thought of you is what comforts and keeps me going to wait for you.

Poems about Relationships. Enjoy this amazing poem about building a relationship that you will come to admire always.

Sweet Day!

Here they stand
Sharing love the way it should be shared
The `Gee’ hug his lady
Holding her tight
As the other fellows discussed on
Here they smile, tease, laugh 
And make a chill merry of the day
As the sun begins to fade away
For an evening of love encountered.

Right beside the roadside,
Cars drove past,
People walked through
Enjoying the atmosphere
As they stroll along
People sit around their front houses
Some on the block
Some piping from the Windom
All to catch a glimpse of this  
Sweet Sunday day.

Here I sat around the block
Feeding my little eye
With lots of happening 
That excites my heart
The three-by-two’s made my day
As I began to forecast
With a strong passion 
For the love
That will happen sooner.

I wish for my Babylove,
Me and him with friends
Standing around, hugging,
Holding hands, playing,
Smiling, talking, sharing,
Making sweet vows, and
Burning the day
With sweet-romantic-passion
That will keep us happier being.

In those three-by-two fellows,
I saw what I love,
A chill evening out,
Just discussing in each other's arms,
Admiring the work of nature,
And getting chilled with the cool breeze
That creams our heart
To love and be loved
As I looked on
Admiring the scenery,
They hallo-out to a lady
From a bike that just drove pass
She drop, ran to the group
And began to hug all
As they talk, laugh,
Smile and gets along,
They seem to be a complete pair

Here again, 
I was still in a deep thought
Cuz’ I read so many thoughts
To that rewarding scene
Happy people there are!
Caring not about the world
That passed them by
All they seem to care
Is the joy their heartfelt 
I could see in their eye
A love that will last the taste of time
A love only thought about in reality. 

Now I began to smile
Cuz’ I found their kind of love in you
I couldn’t wish for more
Cuz’ every day begins 
A sweet day for me
And all my major thoughts
Now directs to you
I feel you in all I do,
I adore your personality in all I do
I dream of our sweet day
Yet but soon to come.

Nsikak Andrew

If knowledge is offered for FREE, my humble advice is, please do not seek for such. 

"Free knowledge will never make anything meaningful to you."

When you pay for that which you seek, you will have value for it. But the moment you have the free mind mentality; it will go the way of easy come, easy go. Entering one ear, and leaving the other ear as it 
comes without holding back anything. 

The knowledge we are told is power. What a true saying. To make it worth its salt, you have to study till you get it stuck inside your head.

The true process of growth is in constantly acquiring self-knowledge that is learning till the day you make your last breath. 

Romantic Love Messages for Him. The Value Of Your Love Romantic Messages. Indeed having you is worth more than anything to me. These collections of the Value of Your Love Messages are romantic messages for the one you love. These words of love are the value of your love romantic messages, most touching love messages, deep love messages for her, deep love messages for him, true love messages, long romantic love messages, romantic messages for the one you love, romantic love messages for him and sweetest I love you message. Indeed having you is worth more than anything to me. These sweet collections of the value of your love messages are romantic messages you can share with the one you love. 

Your love is like a wind in winter; it came like a comforter to comfort me. Each time it came, I knew it was you in your usual way coming just to comfort me.

Your love makes my heart burn like fire. But I’m comforted that each time I come close to you, you take away the fire and give me peace of mind.

Honey is sweeter but your love is the sweetest. Gold has a price tag but your love is priceless. If I have to choose between them, I rather will choose you.

For your love, I can swim the deepest sea, climb the highest mountain and even pass through the burning bush all because I know I would find you at the other end.

With your love, I can see better and clearer. With your love, I can move the mountain. All these I could do because you love me.

There is something that fills my heart. That thing is the bliss of your love. It covers me when I am in a storm and it gives me relief when I am in pain.

Even if there is a price tag, your love is priceless. You’re a priceless treasure that will never fade away or have any replacement.

If your love was to be bought with money, I would be the least to offer a price. But since it is priceless, I am so honoured that it found me to make yours.

Your love is so tender, lovely, and accommodating. It’s the best among equals. Nothing anyone would say. I have found the true meaning of love in you.

The wing of your love has covered my shame and nakedness away. Now I walk with so much joy in my heart that I found the love that has given me all.

Love Poems for Him, Her, Husband, and Wife. Messages of love are something we should always live to cherish especially if it comes from our true friends and someone we deeply have affection for. To make your love count, send sweet love messages to someone you care about. Your wife, husband, and your true love are people that should make you feel awesomely great. We have gotten some romantic love poems to spice your day.  

10 Minutes

In 10 mins. You said you will be back
And in 10 mins. I did wait like an eternity
It is so long now, it seems like 10 miles away
What could the problem be?

Now I understand,
If you must love, you must be patience
It’s the price you have to pay
If you must love with all your heart
Now I learn the patient laws.

I know that where you are
Thought of me radiates a smile in your heart
Even though I have to wait this little long
I know you’re there for me
Thinking about how we could make our love stronger
And a thing of pride for others to emulate.

Nsikak Andrew

Healing for Life

The body is sick
But the mind is strong
When the mind is strong
It heals the body.

Now that you’re down
It touches my body
For the pains you share
It reflects on my body.

When you’re down
I am down
When you’re up
I am up.

I pray, dear lord
Move your healing Spirit
And heal my sweetheart
Make her strong
For I share her pains.

I believe you hear me, Lord
As I speak your power is on
Penetrating the body that is weak
Now I see her smile
From the healing power that you give.

Thank you, Lord
For you have healed my love
And make her strong
As you make me strong.

Nsikak Andrew 

Deep, Hot, Crazy Long Love Poetry Messages for Him and the One You Love. I blessed the day I found you. These I blessed the day I found you poems are I'm so glad I met you quotes for him or her and God bless the day I met you messages for someone special. Here for the one you love are I bless the day I met you lyrics, I bless the day I met you quotes, I bless the day I found you, I'm so glad I met you quotes for him or her, I am glad I found you messages, glad I found you poem, God bless the day I met you and glad I met you messages for friends.

I thought I will never love again till I found you. Now I have reason to be grateful for the love we shared. You are and would ever be my endless love.

I used to think, that the heart that loves deceit rules. But that was before I found you and found a new meaning of love. I truly love you, my dear.

You came when I needed love and took away every pain that had weakened my heart. I will forever be grateful for the day I found you.

I searched for love and I found you. I search for peace of mind and still, I found you. All that I ever wanted in love, I found them in you.

The day I saw you, I knew I had found my soulmate. Ever since that single encounter has changed my life for good. Now, I bless the day I found you.

The reason you were created was for me to love and since I found you, I have no regret that the creation of your kind was all because of me.

In the past, I had taken my mind off the word "LOVE" only thinking of it as a weapon that destroys the heart. But since I found you things are different.

Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Cute and Unique Poetic Love Messages for Him to Fall in Love with You
Cute and Unique Poetic Love Messages for Him to Fall in Love with You
For the one you love, here are poetic love messages for him, deep meaningful love poems for him and new relationship poems for him.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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