Trust in marriage is one of the essential things couple should consider before and after saying I Do.
in marriage is one of the essential things couples should consider
before and after saying I Do. These Best Couple Relationship Poems For
Building Trust In Marriage are collections of relationship poems and
advice that one needs to build a
I Love You, Sweetheart
This message came through
from a friend’s timeline on Facebook
and seriously, it got me thinking.
The message said,
there was a group of women gathered
at a seminar on how to live
in a loving relationship with their husband.
The women were asked,
`How many of you love your husband?’
All the women raised their hands.
Then they were asked,
`When was the last time
you told your husband you loved him?’
Some women answered today,
some yesterday, and some did not remember.
The women were then told
to take their cell phones and send
the following text to their respective husband:
Then the women were told to exchange phones
and read the responding text messages.
I love you, sweetheart.
Wow… I can guess your reply.
Seriously I hope you are not expecting
some goose pimples when you read the reply.
This to me is an acid test.
Sometimes, we should not walk in illusion.
Test the ground and see what comes out of it.
This could help you know.
But do not become suspicious
when you find your answers.
Sometimes, love has to go this way.
Now here come some of the replies
from their loving husbands:
Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?
What now? Did you crash the car again?
I don’t understand what you mean?
What did you do now? I won’t forgive you this time!!!
Don’t beat about the bush; just tell me how much you need?
Am I dreaming??????
If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today…!!!
I asked you not to drink anymore!!
Who is this?
And if I may ask,
which of these responses do you see
as the most embarrassing?
Embarrassing isn’t it?
Ladies, sometimes,
the response you get from your man,
depends on your attitude towards him.
When you have a caring disposition at all times,
your man wouldn’t doubt you when you say
the words that matter to the heart.
Let the words that care form a part of you
and watch how things
would turn around in your relationship.
A word for the wise is just enough.
Nsikak Andrew
Woman Love
Every woman is born with a heart of emotion.
What makes them hard is what there get
out of a previous relationship.
But be it as it may,
you can win the heart of any woman
if you know the right words to make them feel good.
We all love to be praised.
Who wouldn’t want to hear the words
that could make them feel on top of the world?
Tell a woman she is smart and watch her reaction.
Tell her you are the most beautiful woman I know
and see her smile.
Echo to her that she is your best friend,
and see the aura in her heart.
If you tell her I am so proud of you,
she could make you her king forever.
And when you say,
you are perfect just the way you are,
you would create in her the heart of perfection.
When you add,
I don’t want to be with anyone else.
Do you know you have made her
feel like a king with a crown?
What do you feel or think about anything
You have honoured her and made her feel
she has gotten the world under her feet.
Ask her about her day;
then you will know that you are caring.
And when you compliment
how good she is in bed, married couples only.
The pride in her you have awoken for keep.
I love you.
This melt’s her heart and makes her
feel you are all and would ever be
the man in her life.
Guys just try these
and let’s hear your testimonies.
Nsikak Andrew
Matters Of The Heart
Every man or woman has a love formula.
What might trip one person,
might not be what may trip the other.
Let us take a look at attractions.
We shouldn’t deceive ourselves.
Attraction matters.
It is the first thing that brings us together.
Attraction is natural.
You can’t force it.
It comes so naturally and when it does,
you begin to wonder
what is actually happening to you.
But that is the power of love.
You just have to walk by it or you let it go.
One thing about attraction
is that the way it works for a man
is not the same way it works for a woman.
Now see how both respond to the word attraction.
Men usually are attracted to physical traits
while women are more attracted to personality traits.
What attracts a woman is when she interacts
with a man that has certain qualities
and personality traits in him.
Men are easily attracted
to what they can immediately see
while women, they are attracted
to what can never be seen.
That is while a woman
easily believes what a man says.
If you feel this is junk,
then ask anyone who has a way
with either a man or a woman.
Nsikak Andrew
Vineyard Of Love
The fulfilment of life
is all about labouring for others.
Take it or live it,
to find the real fulfilment of purpose,
you must be of service to others.
What service creates in you is the inner joy
that makes you feel accomplished.
Labouring for others in love
should not be seen as a punishment
but rather as a call to service
for the benefit of mankind.
Anyone who labour in love
would always carry this positive attitude
that displays humility.
We should count ourselves worthy
any time we are of service to others.
People will never remember you
for your wealth but rather
through services with the number
of life, you touch with your wealth.
To create an avenue
for the labour of love to flow
always do the things you love.
What you love to do
will never give you any stress doing it
but rather the innermost joy of accomplishment.
Labour we should remember is service
and when you see it that way;
that is when you would be able to impact life.
In all you do, carry with you
an attitude within the labour of love
because this is what will free
your heart from fear and worry.
It is what will give you the boldness
to face life without any fear.
And you know what?
People will always show their gratitude
by constantly praying for your progress
and success in all that you do.
Nsikak Andrew
Love And Lust
Love rules the world.
What an awesome saying
that defines the existence
of the human race.
Love for sure is everything
and love will forever be everything.
Love is it that makes us a living being.
And without unconditional love,
the value of our existence
shall forever be a questionable character.
Love when it is given out
should be handled
with the meekness of heart.
It shouldn’t be what will bring us
untold pains and regrets.
It is so sad when the bliss of love
becomes an instrument of lust.
If there is something that kills
the moral in our hearts,
it is the lust that is found in love.
When you love;
love for the sake of love
and not to have any strings attached.
If I may ask,
why should a scared vow
be sacrificed on the altar of lust?
Lust will do you no good.
It is an avenue to kill the joy
that true love brings.
We should be careful
of what we do when
it has to do with love.
Many for the sake
of their selfish motive in love;
have committed untold crimes
that have sent others to their early graves.
Love was meant to be shared
with those who understood
the value it brings.
It was never meant to be taken for a joke
and as something that has no worth.
When you allow lust
to rule your mind when you are in love,
what you have done is hurt the person
that is you and also made the other person
a victim of circumstances.
Sincerely, love that is found in lust
is never true love but that which is selfish
and seeks to fulfil its ego on the altar of selfishness.
When lust controls your mind,
it makes it difficult for you to experience
that which is real love.
And in as much as lust
keeps dwelling in your thought,
your action might never bring anything reasonably good
that will seek progress in the growth of another.
When it is lust that controls your mind,
your thought in this regard
will always seek to make a victim
of others in your cobweb of lustful desire.
Love as it is,
is what will cure the lust
that seems to control our thoughts.
When you make up your mind to love,
stays put and love.
Lusting will only lower your self-esteem
and make no value of your real person.
Lust will destroy the esteem that is your greatness.
It will make you lose your integrity
and would also make you a victim of him
and others will never value your trust.
When you love,
do not allow it to become lust.
When love becomes lust,
it leads to covetousness.
Love in this situation will not let you
have control over your life.
It will make you live your life like
you have no value and self-respect for others' feelings.
And this we all know is what might destroy
the gift in you from manifesting.
If you want the best for your life,
then my sincere thought is that you love
without an iota of love.
And if such a feeling gets into you,
rebuke it before it makes damages your person.
You are born with the greatness
to love and be loved,
do not allow lust to make you
a victim of your own doing.
I rest my case.
Nsikak Andrew
If you sincerely
desire to make your marriage work, then learn from these famous poems
about trust to build loyalty and be open to one another. There is no
need to keep secrets away from the one you love. No matter how it is,
just say it. When you open up, you free your mind from any form of guilt
that such might harbour.
Women, please read this relationship poem about trusting someone, I love you, sweetheart is a funny love relationship poem that would make you laugh and at the same time make you rethink how you react to things in marriage. Love Marriage Relationship Poems
Women, please read this relationship poem about trusting someone, I love you, sweetheart is a funny love relationship poem that would make you laugh and at the same time make you rethink how you react to things in marriage. Love Marriage Relationship Poems
I Love You, Sweetheart
This message came through
from a friend’s timeline on Facebook
and seriously, it got me thinking.
The message said,
there was a group of women gathered
at a seminar on how to live
in a loving relationship with their husband.
The women were asked,
`How many of you love your husband?’
All the women raised their hands.
Then they were asked,
`When was the last time
you told your husband you loved him?’
Some women answered today,
some yesterday, and some did not remember.
The women were then told
to take their cell phones and send
the following text to their respective husband:
Then the women were told to exchange phones
and read the responding text messages.
I love you, sweetheart.
Wow… I can guess your reply.
Seriously I hope you are not expecting
some goose pimples when you read the reply.
This to me is an acid test.
Sometimes, we should not walk in illusion.
Test the ground and see what comes out of it.
This could help you know.
But do not become suspicious
when you find your answers.
Sometimes, love has to go this way.
Now here come some of the replies
from their loving husbands:
Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?
What now? Did you crash the car again?
I don’t understand what you mean?
What did you do now? I won’t forgive you this time!!!
Don’t beat about the bush; just tell me how much you need?
Am I dreaming??????
If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today…!!!
I asked you not to drink anymore!!
Who is this?
And if I may ask,
which of these responses do you see
as the most embarrassing?
Embarrassing isn’t it?
Ladies, sometimes,
the response you get from your man,
depends on your attitude towards him.
When you have a caring disposition at all times,
your man wouldn’t doubt you when you say
the words that matter to the heart.
Let the words that care form a part of you
and watch how things
would turn around in your relationship.
A word for the wise is just enough.
Nsikak Andrew
Woman Love is a relationship poem about trust and loyalty on things
women love to hear. It is a poem about overcoming ups and downs in a
Woman Love
Every woman is born with a heart of emotion.
What makes them hard is what there get
out of a previous relationship.
But be it as it may,
you can win the heart of any woman
if you know the right words to make them feel good.
We all love to be praised.
Who wouldn’t want to hear the words
that could make them feel on top of the world?
Tell a woman she is smart and watch her reaction.
Tell her you are the most beautiful woman I know
and see her smile.
Echo to her that she is your best friend,
and see the aura in her heart.
If you tell her I am so proud of you,
she could make you her king forever.
And when you say,
you are perfect just the way you are,
you would create in her the heart of perfection.
When you add,
I don’t want to be with anyone else.
Do you know you have made her
feel like a king with a crown?
What do you feel or think about anything
You have honoured her and made her feel
she has gotten the world under her feet.
Ask her about her day;
then you will know that you are caring.
And when you compliment
how good she is in bed, married couples only.
The pride in her you have awoken for keep.
I love you.
This melt’s her heart and makes her
feel you are all and would ever be
the man in her life.
Guys just try these
and let’s hear your testimonies.
Nsikak Andrew
Matters of the Heart is one best relationship advice poems on trust in a
relationship that portrays what actually motivates a man and woman to put
up action that one exhibited.
Matters Of The Heart
Every man or woman has a love formula.
What might trip one person,
might not be what may trip the other.
Let us take a look at attractions.
We shouldn’t deceive ourselves.
Attraction matters.
It is the first thing that brings us together.
Attraction is natural.
You can’t force it.
It comes so naturally and when it does,
you begin to wonder
what is actually happening to you.
But that is the power of love.
You just have to walk by it or you let it go.
One thing about attraction
is that the way it works for a man
is not the same way it works for a woman.
Now see how both respond to the word attraction.
Men usually are attracted to physical traits
while women are more attracted to personality traits.
What attracts a woman is when she interacts
with a man that has certain qualities
and personality traits in him.
Men are easily attracted
to what they can immediately see
while women, they are attracted
to what can never be seen.
That is while a woman
easily believes what a man says.
If you feel this is junk,
then ask anyone who has a way
with either a man or a woman.
Nsikak Andrew
This saying is the author’s relationship tips and quotes on how to make a man happy. Christian Poems of Encouragement and Strength
[1]. Good Food Is A Must
“Any woman, whose hand is blessed with good cooking, has done for herself one good fortune that can win for her the heart of any man she desired.”
As unreasonable as this might sound, it is a common truth. Men love food; good food I mean. If you are a woman, learn the art of cooking good meals. Even if your man married or dated you for beauty that in the long run shall fade away but the only way you can hold on to him apart from your good character is when you are able to satisfy his stomach with your aroma of nice and tasteful meals.
Cooking is a gift but that same gift can be learned. Do not overlook this for anything if you want to hold your home together or else you make your man a regular visitor to eatery joints and who knows if he falls to the temptation that could come around from there. Strictly for the ladies, do yourself a favour to learn how to cook if you really don’t know how to do it. It is not too late to learn that if you truly love your home.
[2]. Learn The Art Of Love Making
“When you are down with him to say I Do, ladies, know for sure that good lovemaking to him is like a palatable meal, if you got it right, then you have gotten him right, anytime, any day.”
Ladies, any married man who says he does not love good lovemaking is not telling you the simple truth. Men are sometimes naughty by their attitude when it has to do with their romantic love life. It is not all men that have the boldness to express their desire for good lovemaking. Some hide this from their woman so as not to be seen as promiscuous. Some health-related issues which they might be an affair to share keep them on a low life when the issue of good lovemaking is at hand.
Ladies, when you find your man at this low level where your satisfaction with him, calls for questioning, this is not the time to go on top of your voice but the right time to relate so well with his emotion.
Men on the other hand if your woman is not good at it, you have the go-ahead to teach her rather than condemn her for nothing. Remember nobody knows it all; we are all learners when it comes to the issues of life.
[3]. Do Not Monitor His Ways
“Every man wants and desires peace of mind. If you want your love to grow; then learn to give him the desired peace of mind. If you make the home a place for him to dwell, then he will make your life a pleasure to treasure.”
Do you want an all-around peace of mind in your relationship, then give back love in return. When I say give back love in return; I mean make your man feel the desire to return home into your arms every day. Do not make your home a wrestling contest field with the way you talk. Provocative words that relate to a negative outpour of wrong thoughts shouldn’t be found around your home.
When you have an attitude for the use of the right words in your relationship, what you are doing is inviting the desired peace which is what makes any relationship grow. Do not make your home feels like a place of unnecessary argument where everyone wants to show who the superior is. Learn the virtue of obedience and relates well through communication.
If all you do is monitor your partner with a suspicious mind, then all you are inviting is a lack of peace in your home. Learn to trust and relate in a good manner even if you have some level of doubt. Sometimes, what you are killing yourself over might be a big lie in the long run.
[4]. Do Not Mind His Communication Gadgets
“The worse you can do is to monitor your man. Learn to give him the benefit of doubt. It is when you are trusting that he will be trusting too. But if you pester him like a monitoring machine, then you are indirectly making him feel you don’t trust him.”
Loving someone does not mean you should make yourself look like a pest around him. Asking unnecessary questions that may provoke suspicious thoughts is not the best way to handle a man. If you have your doubts, the best way to confront him is to do it with love and not to monitor his gadgets like he committed a crime. I know men are smart about certain things especially when it has to do with a secret relationship with female admirers.
As a woman, you know the type of person you are down with. Also, you should know that it takes a gradual process to disarm a man who lives a promiscuous life. It is with love and not through unnecessary monitoring of his communication devices. When you are kind with words, you can commit him to change. And when you do that, it is a plus to you and the life of the one you love.
[5]. Make Him A Freeman Around His Friends
“A man cherished his freedom of movement like he cherished every moment he is with the one he loved. If you seem to border him with his movement, then what you are trying to do, is limit the love he builds around you.”
Everyone loves their freedom. Normally, no one loves to be monitored. We all want to be free to express our thoughts and do the things that we feel can make our life better. When you love someone, give such a person his freedom at any time it seems desired. Monitoring anyone's freedom is not the right way to show that you care. It is good to give your man the avenue to express thoughts and find time to be around his circle of friends.
Remember before he met you, he has those whom he was around with. He shared some of his free time with especially his friends. Ladies, do not make yourself be seen as the one who took him away from his friends.
If you don’t trust his friends, make him see the reasons. And when communicating this, do it with love and not force him around it. Remember if you keep him away from what makes him happy, all you have done is limit the love he will extend to you. Sometimes, it is his circle of friends if you go along with them well that will help give the right recommendation that will help spice your relationship.
[1]. Good Food Is A Must
“Any woman, whose hand is blessed with good cooking, has done for herself one good fortune that can win for her the heart of any man she desired.”
As unreasonable as this might sound, it is a common truth. Men love food; good food I mean. If you are a woman, learn the art of cooking good meals. Even if your man married or dated you for beauty that in the long run shall fade away but the only way you can hold on to him apart from your good character is when you are able to satisfy his stomach with your aroma of nice and tasteful meals.
Cooking is a gift but that same gift can be learned. Do not overlook this for anything if you want to hold your home together or else you make your man a regular visitor to eatery joints and who knows if he falls to the temptation that could come around from there. Strictly for the ladies, do yourself a favour to learn how to cook if you really don’t know how to do it. It is not too late to learn that if you truly love your home.
[2]. Learn The Art Of Love Making
“When you are down with him to say I Do, ladies, know for sure that good lovemaking to him is like a palatable meal, if you got it right, then you have gotten him right, anytime, any day.”
Ladies, any married man who says he does not love good lovemaking is not telling you the simple truth. Men are sometimes naughty by their attitude when it has to do with their romantic love life. It is not all men that have the boldness to express their desire for good lovemaking. Some hide this from their woman so as not to be seen as promiscuous. Some health-related issues which they might be an affair to share keep them on a low life when the issue of good lovemaking is at hand.
Ladies, when you find your man at this low level where your satisfaction with him, calls for questioning, this is not the time to go on top of your voice but the right time to relate so well with his emotion.
Men on the other hand if your woman is not good at it, you have the go-ahead to teach her rather than condemn her for nothing. Remember nobody knows it all; we are all learners when it comes to the issues of life.
[3]. Do Not Monitor His Ways
“Every man wants and desires peace of mind. If you want your love to grow; then learn to give him the desired peace of mind. If you make the home a place for him to dwell, then he will make your life a pleasure to treasure.”
Do you want an all-around peace of mind in your relationship, then give back love in return. When I say give back love in return; I mean make your man feel the desire to return home into your arms every day. Do not make your home a wrestling contest field with the way you talk. Provocative words that relate to a negative outpour of wrong thoughts shouldn’t be found around your home.
When you have an attitude for the use of the right words in your relationship, what you are doing is inviting the desired peace which is what makes any relationship grow. Do not make your home feels like a place of unnecessary argument where everyone wants to show who the superior is. Learn the virtue of obedience and relates well through communication.
If all you do is monitor your partner with a suspicious mind, then all you are inviting is a lack of peace in your home. Learn to trust and relate in a good manner even if you have some level of doubt. Sometimes, what you are killing yourself over might be a big lie in the long run.
[4]. Do Not Mind His Communication Gadgets
“The worse you can do is to monitor your man. Learn to give him the benefit of doubt. It is when you are trusting that he will be trusting too. But if you pester him like a monitoring machine, then you are indirectly making him feel you don’t trust him.”
Loving someone does not mean you should make yourself look like a pest around him. Asking unnecessary questions that may provoke suspicious thoughts is not the best way to handle a man. If you have your doubts, the best way to confront him is to do it with love and not to monitor his gadgets like he committed a crime. I know men are smart about certain things especially when it has to do with a secret relationship with female admirers.
As a woman, you know the type of person you are down with. Also, you should know that it takes a gradual process to disarm a man who lives a promiscuous life. It is with love and not through unnecessary monitoring of his communication devices. When you are kind with words, you can commit him to change. And when you do that, it is a plus to you and the life of the one you love.
[5]. Make Him A Freeman Around His Friends
“A man cherished his freedom of movement like he cherished every moment he is with the one he loved. If you seem to border him with his movement, then what you are trying to do, is limit the love he builds around you.”
Everyone loves their freedom. Normally, no one loves to be monitored. We all want to be free to express our thoughts and do the things that we feel can make our life better. When you love someone, give such a person his freedom at any time it seems desired. Monitoring anyone's freedom is not the right way to show that you care. It is good to give your man the avenue to express thoughts and find time to be around his circle of friends.
Remember before he met you, he has those whom he was around with. He shared some of his free time with especially his friends. Ladies, do not make yourself be seen as the one who took him away from his friends.
If you don’t trust his friends, make him see the reasons. And when communicating this, do it with love and not force him around it. Remember if you keep him away from what makes him happy, all you have done is limit the love he will extend to you. Sometimes, it is his circle of friends if you go along with them well that will help give the right recommendation that will help spice your relationship.
Quotes And Sayings About Successful Man
Behind every successful man
is another thoughtful word of encouragement and relationship nuggets
from the author that one needs to know what actually is responsible for
making success out of any individual. Relationship Poems for the People You Love in Your Life
“Behind every successful man… These are not empty words. It’s not only about who the woman is. It’s about how much the woman allows you to become. What she does to help you become. How she understands you. What she tolerates. How she makes you feel… just so you understand where I am coming from, a lady who always nags and stresses you will choke your thoughts.”
Ali Baba the God-father of all the Nigerian comedians shared this tip which was reposted on Linda Ikeji’s blog. And what I want to do here is run a three-part series on these thought-provoking words. But before I begin, a response from one Bonario Nnags also got me thinking. Here is what the following had to say.
“The man builds the house, but the woman makes it a home. Marry a nag as a wife, and watch yourself get older than your age.”
Marrying someone who nags both ways is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Marriage as it is; is the last stage in life that draws us closer to our passage here on earth. And if you marry anyone who can’t give you the needed happiness, then you will live the rest of your life in misery and may have little or no chance of fulfilling your purpose. Marriage is what should steady us and gives our mind the right atmosphere for creativity and ideas in other to make our dreams a reality. And if you are involved with the wrong person, this to a large extent might never be possible.
“A lady who thinks you can never be anything will first kill your spirit, so even if you make it, in spite of her belief that you won’t, it would be by no help from her. You might just be challenged to make it because she is making it because you don’t want to lose your position as the provider. So, her success inspires you to achieve… you also might be driven to succeed if she celebrates you and you do not want that to stop… So if get my drift… Behind every success man… there is a woman…”
In continuation of Alibaba’s quote, as stated above, it got to show that a woman plays a more role in the success of a man. Any man who ignored the importance of a woman might just be missing it all. The Good Lord knew why He made the woman to be a help meet. There is something about a good woman that brings out the best in a man.
We all have a creative mind and to make things happen, it is the ideas in us that paved the way. You need a steady mind to become focused and to build yourself up. And if your mind is not steady, sincerely, you might not achieve much. Ladies, what you should do for your man is to be your man’s best friend with the use of kind words even when things are not going on right as you expected.
Words have a way of either making or breaking us. So choose your words right to make your home right. Show an attitude of kind words daily, it is all that is required to make life worth living.
“Finally I say, there are many guys whose greatness was truncated not by their lack of capacity but because behind them were people who did not want them to succeed or did not help them to succeed. Be guided.”
In continuation of this last quote from Alibaba, as stated above, success to me is a two-way thing. You need those who believe in you to help make a success out of you. And the person in your life is a strong voice that could help make it happen.
Ladies, what your man needs from you is encouragement and not discouragement. If you believe in your man, you have a role to play. And that role can only be played if you sincerely stood by him in playing the unseen hand in the game to his success.
Playing this game required that you encourage him with words that can make him see things in a positive way. If you keep acting in a negative way, what you have done is kill the morale and weaken his foresight in striving further.
It is sad when a woman through her utterances seems not to believe in you. This for sure is a disaster waiting in the making. Ladies, learn to guide your utterances. And guys, do the same to your woman. Remember we all have an equal chance at fulfilling our destiny. And those who stood by you would always be those you remember.
“Behind every successful man… These are not empty words. It’s not only about who the woman is. It’s about how much the woman allows you to become. What she does to help you become. How she understands you. What she tolerates. How she makes you feel… just so you understand where I am coming from, a lady who always nags and stresses you will choke your thoughts.”
Ali Baba the God-father of all the Nigerian comedians shared this tip which was reposted on Linda Ikeji’s blog. And what I want to do here is run a three-part series on these thought-provoking words. But before I begin, a response from one Bonario Nnags also got me thinking. Here is what the following had to say.
“The man builds the house, but the woman makes it a home. Marry a nag as a wife, and watch yourself get older than your age.”
Marrying someone who nags both ways is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Marriage as it is; is the last stage in life that draws us closer to our passage here on earth. And if you marry anyone who can’t give you the needed happiness, then you will live the rest of your life in misery and may have little or no chance of fulfilling your purpose. Marriage is what should steady us and gives our mind the right atmosphere for creativity and ideas in other to make our dreams a reality. And if you are involved with the wrong person, this to a large extent might never be possible.
“A lady who thinks you can never be anything will first kill your spirit, so even if you make it, in spite of her belief that you won’t, it would be by no help from her. You might just be challenged to make it because she is making it because you don’t want to lose your position as the provider. So, her success inspires you to achieve… you also might be driven to succeed if she celebrates you and you do not want that to stop… So if get my drift… Behind every success man… there is a woman…”
In continuation of Alibaba’s quote, as stated above, it got to show that a woman plays a more role in the success of a man. Any man who ignored the importance of a woman might just be missing it all. The Good Lord knew why He made the woman to be a help meet. There is something about a good woman that brings out the best in a man.
We all have a creative mind and to make things happen, it is the ideas in us that paved the way. You need a steady mind to become focused and to build yourself up. And if your mind is not steady, sincerely, you might not achieve much. Ladies, what you should do for your man is to be your man’s best friend with the use of kind words even when things are not going on right as you expected.
Words have a way of either making or breaking us. So choose your words right to make your home right. Show an attitude of kind words daily, it is all that is required to make life worth living.
“Finally I say, there are many guys whose greatness was truncated not by their lack of capacity but because behind them were people who did not want them to succeed or did not help them to succeed. Be guided.”
In continuation of this last quote from Alibaba, as stated above, success to me is a two-way thing. You need those who believe in you to help make a success out of you. And the person in your life is a strong voice that could help make it happen.
Ladies, what your man needs from you is encouragement and not discouragement. If you believe in your man, you have a role to play. And that role can only be played if you sincerely stood by him in playing the unseen hand in the game to his success.
Playing this game required that you encourage him with words that can make him see things in a positive way. If you keep acting in a negative way, what you have done is kill the morale and weaken his foresight in striving further.
It is sad when a woman through her utterances seems not to believe in you. This for sure is a disaster waiting in the making. Ladies, learn to guide your utterances. And guys, do the same to your woman. Remember we all have an equal chance at fulfilling our destiny. And those who stood by you would always be those you remember.
The Vineyard of Love is a thoughtful relationship poem that shows that
labouring in the vineyard of love should be a thought that one should
imbibe in marriage. Unconditional Love Poems and Relationship Advice for Friends
Vineyard Of Love
The fulfilment of life
is all about labouring for others.
Take it or live it,
to find the real fulfilment of purpose,
you must be of service to others.
What service creates in you is the inner joy
that makes you feel accomplished.
Labouring for others in love
should not be seen as a punishment
but rather as a call to service
for the benefit of mankind.
Anyone who labour in love
would always carry this positive attitude
that displays humility.
We should count ourselves worthy
any time we are of service to others.
People will never remember you
for your wealth but rather
through services with the number
of life, you touch with your wealth.
To create an avenue
for the labour of love to flow
always do the things you love.
What you love to do
will never give you any stress doing it
but rather the innermost joy of accomplishment.
Labour we should remember is service
and when you see it that way;
that is when you would be able to impact life.
In all you do, carry with you
an attitude within the labour of love
because this is what will free
your heart from fear and worry.
It is what will give you the boldness
to face life without any fear.
And you know what?
People will always show their gratitude
by constantly praying for your progress
and success in all that you do.
Nsikak Andrew
Love and Lust is an amazing relationship counselling poem about when love becomes lust.
Love And Lust
Love rules the world.
What an awesome saying
that defines the existence
of the human race.
Love for sure is everything
and love will forever be everything.
Love is it that makes us a living being.
And without unconditional love,
the value of our existence
shall forever be a questionable character.
Love when it is given out
should be handled
with the meekness of heart.
It shouldn’t be what will bring us
untold pains and regrets.
It is so sad when the bliss of love
becomes an instrument of lust.
If there is something that kills
the moral in our hearts,
it is the lust that is found in love.
When you love;
love for the sake of love
and not to have any strings attached.
If I may ask,
why should a scared vow
be sacrificed on the altar of lust?
Lust will do you no good.
It is an avenue to kill the joy
that true love brings.
We should be careful
of what we do when
it has to do with love.
Many for the sake
of their selfish motive in love;
have committed untold crimes
that have sent others to their early graves.
Love was meant to be shared
with those who understood
the value it brings.
It was never meant to be taken for a joke
and as something that has no worth.
When you allow lust
to rule your mind when you are in love,
what you have done is hurt the person
that is you and also made the other person
a victim of circumstances.
Sincerely, love that is found in lust
is never true love but that which is selfish
and seeks to fulfil its ego on the altar of selfishness.
When lust controls your mind,
it makes it difficult for you to experience
that which is real love.
And in as much as lust
keeps dwelling in your thought,
your action might never bring anything reasonably good
that will seek progress in the growth of another.
When it is lust that controls your mind,
your thought in this regard
will always seek to make a victim
of others in your cobweb of lustful desire.
Love as it is,
is what will cure the lust
that seems to control our thoughts.
When you make up your mind to love,
stays put and love.
Lusting will only lower your self-esteem
and make no value of your real person.
Lust will destroy the esteem that is your greatness.
It will make you lose your integrity
and would also make you a victim of him
and others will never value your trust.
When you love,
do not allow it to become lust.
When love becomes lust,
it leads to covetousness.
Love in this situation will not let you
have control over your life.
It will make you live your life like
you have no value and self-respect for others' feelings.
And this we all know is what might destroy
the gift in you from manifesting.
If you want the best for your life,
then my sincere thought is that you love
without an iota of love.
And if such a feeling gets into you,
rebuke it before it makes damages your person.
You are born with the greatness
to love and be loved,
do not allow lust to make you
a victim of your own doing.
I rest my case.
Nsikak Andrew