The institution of marriage is a sacred one that we should hold in high esteem. These collections of marriage poems are love and relationship poems advice for married people.
married people. If you desire that romantic bliss in your home, then these what makes a good marriage poems are truly crafted to make your marriage a blissful one.
The institution of marriage is a sacred one that we should hold in high esteem. These collections of marriage poems are love and relationship poems advice for
To spice up your love life as married couple, these romantic poems about marriage are the rightful poems for married couples to learn the art of making their home peaceful and in so doing, they would find a home where peace reigns.
You can consider the marriage advice poems to be Best Couple Relationship Poems for Trust in Marriage and inspirational poems about marriage where one gains insight about the marriage institution. This is what you need to bulletproof marriage against failure.
Money is need to make love glow but if you build your marriage around money, certainly, you would realize that money is not everything in marriage. You need love and understanding with mutual respect and the fear of God to build a better home where peace reigns. This Money and marriage poem is a poem about money and happiness in marriage.
Money And Marriage
Though money is good,
but it shouldn’t be
the determining factor
that makes your love glow.
When money becomes
your determining factor in marriage,
then for sure you have lost the real value
that is embedded in the institution of marriage.
Unconditional love
is what it takes to build a home.
If you deviate from making
this a priority in your home,
then what you have done
is to lay the foundation
that would become
the pillar that could destroy
not only your marriage but your life.
Nsikak Andrew
Becoming secretive in marriage is an indication of a time bomb waiting in patience to detonate. Build trust in marriage by opening up to the challenges you encounter. Remember that the walls have ears and whatsoever you decide to hide would definitely come to light one day. And at that time, it might be too late. This time bomb in marriage poem is a sort of marriage advice poem to help you build a better home.
Time Bomb In Marriage
The moment you become
so secretive in dealing with the issues
of money and others around your marriage,
there you begin harbouring the time boom
that might contribute to destroying your marriage.
Even though it is said
that you shouldn’t reveal everything
about yourself in marriage
but for how long will you harbour
that secret that would not only
destruct yourself and your marriage.
We know what keeping
a secret could do to our health.
And when we refuse to not let it out,
we make the other person
become suspicious of us.
When that is developed,
the trust gradually will fade away
and in there we would lose the heart
to love and would subject
our marriage to that which has no focus
and lacking the bliss
to make it a heaven here on earth.
Nsikak Andrew
This poem is all about finding bliss in your marriage. It comes with words of love that encourage you to make communication a part of your marital life.
Bliss Of Marriage
Marriage thrives
when there is an openness of purpose.
The moment there is a lack of openness
then distrust sets in.
If you want to achieve things fast
and in togetherness,
then there should be openness
in all that you do.
And openness requires
you communicate a lot.
When you communicate like true friends,
you would find in it
that you wouldn’t want
to hide anything from each other.
There is power in communication
and that power is what builds the home
and make life easier to enjoy
the institution of marriage
instead of bottling things around
which adds no value to a blissful living.
Nsikak Andrew
If there is one thing you should do away with in your home, it is the issue of stinginess. If you can overcome this sort of thing, then your home would be a better place to live in. Some of the issues we have at home have to do with stinginess. If you are stingy and can’t open up to the level of your financial capability, then how do you expect things to work out in your home. This stinginess in marriage poem is a marriage advice poem that you can share with your spouse.
Stinginess In Marriage
No matter how little it is that you earn,
let there be proper planning on how
to provide for your family.
In marriage, the well-being of your family
should be your major priority.
The moment you are lacking
in the art of provision,
it becomes one of the major problems
that might contribute and leads
to other problems in the home.
Provision is of essence
and it is what makes love
go round in its normal form.
A little gift day-in-day-out builds
the trust that one is still valued and cared for.
If you become so stingy
and want to have it all to yourself;
then just be ready to live in a house
that makes it difficult for peace
to reign at all times.
Nsikak Andrew
Giving attention to your family is one thing that shows that you truly care. If you provide all the money needed in your home but fail to give attention is like building a castle in the air. Your family needs you more. This marriage advice for newlyweds poem is what you need to stay focused and build your home instead of feeling that money is everything that is needed to make the marriage work.
Priority Is Home
In as much as you seek
to satisfy the needs of your home
while in pursuit of money,
do not allow such draws away
your attention from your family.
If all you do is chase after money
and in so doing neglect your family,
then you might discover later on
that you are a stranger in your very home.
Money is good but giving attention
to your family is the best form
that money can’t buy.
The reason some families
are having issues in their marriage
is not because of money
but lack of attention.
We all want to feel we are desired
and wanted not to let other things
like money takes the place of the love
and attention that should flow in our marriage.
Learn to give that maximum attention
in your marriage and you will see
other things would flow so easily.
Nsikak Andrew
To build a perfect home in marriage, you need to do away with laziness. Put in the work. It is what is needed to make things perfect in your home. This poem is one of the best marriage advice poems you would come across. Unconditional Love Poems and Relationship Advice for Friends
Forget Laziness
The act of laziness
is what brings about failure.
Marriage is not a place
for lazy-minded people
but rather a home that thrives
through hard work which comes
with it a bountiful reward.
If you want to be successful
in your marriage,
then there is no need
to harbour any form of laziness.
Learn to do the right things
at the right time and also
to be upright in what you do.
When you have that
I don’t know the attitude,
it makes the other person
lacked faith in your ability.
If there is one thing you should do,
it is to kill every spirit of laziness
in you and at all-time
should strive to eliminate it.
You should also be ready
to always strive to make the best
of every opportunity
that would see you
beyond your limitations.
Nsikak Andrew
If you can kill the habit of stinginess in your marriage, then you would have a blissful home. Building trust in marriage requires that you hide nothing away from your spouse. If you are stingy with your finances you may never build a better home. It is good you make the other person see reasons why such demand wouldn’t be realistic at the moment are made rather than acting as if there is nothing when the other person knows that such is your lifestyle. This poem about killing stinginess is advice of encouragement towards building a happy married life.
Kill Stinginess
The moment you love
to receive without wanting
to give back in return,
it makes you become a stingy person.
And successes in marriage,
is a give-and-take issue
but not the other way around.
Giving opens the door to opportunity
and it is what brings a reward
to a fulfilled mind.
Stinginess will do you no good
as it will make you harbour
the spirit of greed within you
and this habit will never make you
a blessing to those around you.
Nsikak Andrew
Seeking after God’s kind of love is an assurance of building a better home in your marriage. There is no need of pretending here. It is with an open heart that one should seek after God’s love and not for selfish motives. When you allowed unconditional love to reign and be part of you, then there is no way that genuine love wouldn’t reign in your marriage. This short marriage poem is all about helping you to find that unconditional love in Christ that would help you build a better home.
Seek God’s Love
When you become consumed
in your thought of making money,
it makes you lack focus
on other things that are more beneficial
towards growing your marriage.
Money is not everything when it comes
to marriage but rather a home built with peace,
fear and the love of God are what will guide
your marriage to excel beyond your expectation.
If you seek after the kingdom of God,
then all other things shall be added unto you.
Remember that the wealth you seek after
is that of vanity and will never last you for eternity.
If there is one thing you should seek after
is to be guided by the word of God
for in there, you will find good success
and will also inherit eternity's glory
which is what your soul requires
rather than gaining the whole world
and in the end, lose your own soul.
Nsikak Andrew
Extravagance Lifestyle
A life filled with extravagancy
is never a life that will bring
about any reward in your marriage.
When you become so extravagance
in your lifestyle without having
the means to hold on to it for a long time,
there you create a fake life that time will tell.
It is of essence to be true to yourself
and also in your marriage.
Let what you have be that which is known
within your marriage and not create
a fake lifestyle that will not
benefit your marriage
but rather will bring in bitterness.
Conflict in marriage sometimes arises
also because an extravagance lifestyle
of one of the persons involved.
Marriage is to create value and within
it both parties should carry themselves
along rather than one person wanting
to suppress the other through
their unneeded kind of expensive life.
The moment both parties are an extravagance
in their spending habit, all it will lead to
are unnecessary debts around the corner.
Nsikak Andrew
Wasting Resources
What you don’t need at a particular time
shouldn’t be a part of what you keep.
Buying everything that comes your way
without having a need for it is not but a waste.
And marriage for it to be successful
should harbour no waste of resources.
Those who lack planning waste
their resources acquiring what will not
benefit the growth of their marriage.
What you need in marriage
are assets and not liabilities.
Buy what you know would be of benefit
to the home and not what would
become obsolete in no time.
It is good to follow the trend
but you should spend wisely.
What you know you don’t have any need for,
should be discarded and a thought of it
shouldn’t be what should give you
any sleepless night in your home.
Nsikak Andrew
Watch the kind of lifestyle you are living in your marriage. If all you do is try to become extravagance with no means of livelihood; then there would always be issues to settle in that home. Live within your means at every point you are in your marriage. Do not try to impress anyone; you are not competing with anyone. This poem is relationship advice to help you live a better life in your marriage. Sweet Romantic Love Poems and Birthday Poems for My Wife
Extravagance Lifestyle
A life filled with extravagancy
is never a life that will bring
about any reward in your marriage.
When you become so extravagance
in your lifestyle without having
the means to hold on to it for a long time,
there you create a fake life that time will tell.
It is of essence to be true to yourself
and also in your marriage.
Let what you have be that which is known
within your marriage and not create
a fake lifestyle that will not
benefit your marriage
but rather will bring in bitterness.
Conflict in marriage sometimes arises
also because an extravagance lifestyle
of one of the persons involved.
Marriage is to create value and within
it both parties should carry themselves
along rather than one person wanting
to suppress the other through
their unneeded kind of expensive life.
The moment both parties are an extravagance
in their spending habit, all it will lead to
are unnecessary debts around the corner.
Nsikak Andrew
Wasting money on things that bring no value to your life and home is something that shouldn’t be thought of in marriage. Spending without limit shouldn’t be encouraged too. Know what is best and go for it. Let this heart touching relationship poem be a guide to limit your unnecessary spending habit.
Wasting Resources
What you don’t need at a particular time
shouldn’t be a part of what you keep.
Buying everything that comes your way
without having a need for it is not but a waste.
And marriage for it to be successful
should harbour no waste of resources.
Those who lack planning waste
their resources acquiring what will not
benefit the growth of their marriage.
What you need in marriage
are assets and not liabilities.
Buy what you know would be of benefit
to the home and not what would
become obsolete in no time.
It is good to follow the trend
but you should spend wisely.
What you know you don’t have any need for,
should be discarded and a thought of it
shouldn’t be what should give you
any sleepless night in your home.
Nsikak Andrew