Motivational Poems about Money and Trust in Marriage for You and Your Spouse


Motivational Poems about Money and Trust in Marriage for You and Your Spouse

Every relationship certainly has its ups and downs. But in all of it, it is the mutual understanding and self-respect of the partners involved that would make that relationship a blissful one.

True Love Relationship Poems for Married People to Build Trust in their Marital Life
Relationship Advice Poems for Trust in Marriage to Build True Love with Your Spouses
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Every relationship certainly has its ups and downs. But in all of it, it is the mutual understanding and self-respect of the partners involved that would make that relationship a blissful one. These marital poems about money and trust in marriage are words of advice for making a better home when money is involved.   

These poems are all about your money, the institution of marriage and what you need to do to bulletproof yourself against failure. When trust is involved, there is always peace that radiates around the home and such is one of the things that would drive failure away.   

Let these marriage poems, quotes and advice sincerely be ones that you would share with the person you truly love. This for sure will go a long way to make you have a healthy marriage life with your spouse. Best Couple Relationship Poems for Trust in Marriage.   

This Money Advice poem is all about not making money the centre point of your marriage. To create happiness in your marriage, you need to do away with greed and learn to trust unconditionally.

Money Advice

Again, do not make money 
the determining factor in your marriage. 
The moment you begin to fight 
over the control of money 
then your marriage is heading for the rock. 

Money shouldn’t be the bone of contentment 
or neither that of contention in your marriage. 
If you allowed money to determine 
the extent of your love, then be ready 
to always be in a fight and constant argument 
over irrelevant things that will only add up 
to no meaningful thing in your marriage. 

Nsikak Andrew

When you become selfish in your marriage; then know for sure that the element of trust is lost. Even if your spouse is the selfish type, it is through your trust in loving that much would change. Always have that caring mood in your mode of chosen words. It is one magic that would tune a selfish spouse into the best you would ever one.  

Selfishness In Marriage

Those who are selfish 
only have one reward in their marriage 
and that is to live in self-deceit 
time overtime again. 

The element of trust 
is lost the moment you 
become so selfish in your marriage. 

This is what will only make you 
think of self and self alone 
without caring for the other. 

In marriage you need 
to work together to achieve your purpose 
and not to feel that you can do it all alone. 

The moment you allowed selfishness 
to rule your home just be ready 
for the danger that is coming ahead.

Nsikak Andrew

The right formula in marriage is for both to be involved in making it work. This marriage poem is all about how to be selfless in your marriage.  

Right Formula

Marriage is like a two-way traffic 
which requires the source 
for living together have 
to flow from both sides. 

Do not live all work to one person. 
See to it that you help contributing 
your quota towards making the marriage work. 

When you both contribute 
in no measure towards keeping the home, 
you will find peace around without much labour 
but where one person is made 
to be seen as the sole provider, 
then there is a challenge looming ahead. 

Both couples should be involved 
in taking care of the family. 
It shouldn’t be one person's job all alone. 
The moment the other person 
finds the needed support, the joy 
and zeal to go all the way will always be there.   

Nsikak Andrew

The people you associate with would go a long way in determining the peace you would enjoy in your home. This poem about the association in marriage is an advice poem to keep the right company and friends in your marriage.

Your Association 

When you come in contact 
with the wrong people and you begin 
to associate yourself with them, 
what you will learn from such an association 
is what would impact your life in a negative way. 

Associating with the wrong people 
would only bring you the wrong advice 
which would become detrimental 
if applied in your home. 

Wrong advice would never contribute 
any meaningful thing to your marriage. 
In fact what that would bring about 
is constant infighting that would not 
add any value but rather would seek 
to destroy the unity that runs at home.    

Nsikak Andrew

In marriage, you need to control your spending habit. This marital poem is about how to get your spouse to stick to a budget and what to do when your spouse has a spending problem. The poem gives an insight into how to protect yourself financially in marriage against failure. 

Spending Habit

When you are not able 
to differentiate between your needs and wants; 
then it becomes a problem at home. 
You need to control your spending habit 
and shouldn’t become frivolous about it. 

When you spend without limit 
and can’t differentiate your needs and wants 
on what you are spending on, 
then building your home to achieve 
the basic necessity of life becomes a problem. 

Money that is meant to build the home 
and provide the necessary things of life 
should not be that which you spend anyhow. 
You should be able to build assets and not liabilities. 

In spending, you need to be prudent. 
When you are prudent, it helps you save 
and also differentiate between your needs and wants. 
You shouldn’t spend because others are spending. 

You need to be a wise spender 
and this should be one thing 
that add much value to your home. 
And if you should borrow for any purpose, 
it should be for things that create asset 
and not for the thing that brings about liability. 

When you borrow to spend on frivolous things 
it will add no gain to you but rather would make you 
become a constant borrower and someone 
who would always be indebted all the time.   

Nsikak Andrew

You need deep knowledge to run your home. When you have a marital understanding of the things that would bring glory to your home, you would always have peace within that home. Knowledge is power and having an understanding of its timing and season would be of help in building a blissful home. Love and Relationship Poems for Married People

Best Trust in Marriage Poems

Seek Knowledge

If you want to save your marriage 
from eminent collapse, 
then you need to seek constant knowledge 
on how to improve your relationship 
and make it the best for others to envy. 

If you rely on what you know from years back, 
such might not be relevant 
at this moment of a changing generation. 
You need to go for knowledge concerning 
areas that are affecting the bliss of your marital life. 

When you constantly improve yourself 
in the areas that need attention, 
you will not only keep your home 
but would be looked upon as someone 
that has answers to any nagging issues. 

When you read, listen to messages 
that improve your level of reasoning 
and of all apply such to your circumstances, 
you would not only be happy for it 
but would also become a delightsome land.   

Nsikak Andrew

Learning the habit of saving would bring one out of financial difficulties in marriage. This saving and investment in marriage poem is a word of advice to make saving a habit in your marriage.  

Saving And Investment In Marriage

Saving and investment keep you away 
from poverty in your marriage. 
If you refuse to neither save nor invest, 
then be ready to find poverty knocking 
at your door constantly. 

The reason you should save and also invest 
is to constantly provide for your family 
without having any reason for failure. 
Do not see investment as a risky venture 
but rather you should seek 
for knowledge and invest wisely. 

Investment would help you multiple 
your income and also make you 
financially worthy which is what will 
bulletproof you against rainy days.  

When you fail to invest against rainy days, 
when such occurs which it might likely be, 
then at such time, you wouldn’t have 
what to fall back on. 

And this could become disastrous 
to your health and peace of mind 
that should flow in your marriage. 
Invest for rainy days for this is 
one way to fight against poverty.   

Nsikak Andrew

When you make a mistake in marriage, learn to amend it. Do not cover up issues and feel such is right. The real you comes to play when you apologize and make amend to your mistake. This amends from mistake poem is an encouraging relationship and marriage poem that has the notion of you learning to make amend from your mistake. 

Amend From Mistake

When you make mistakes, 
do not dwell on your mistakes. 
The moment you realized 
you have made a mistake, 
then at that point, 
you need to start making amendments. 

When you keep dwelling 
on your mistake without making 
a conscious effort to amend it, 
then you would still dwell 
on making such a mistake which to you 
might become normal. 

Mistakes made are for you to learn from them 
and not to keep repeating such mistakes 
as if it is a normal way of life. 
When you keep making the same mistake, 
it makes your life become boring 
and wouldn’t add any improvement 
to your level in life. 

Though mistakes draw you back 
but if you learn and avoid them, 
your life would greatly improve beyond any doubt. 
If you make a mistake, 
it is not an excuse for you not to try again. 

When you make a mistake, 
realize it, make amend and try again. 
When you try again, 
you gather experience and would avoid 
such which would become 
not only a blessing to your life 
but also to your marriage. 

The bottom line 
is not for you to dwell on your mistakes 
but to work against it so as 
to achieve greatness in what so ever you do.  

Nsikak Andrew

Time management is essential in marriage. It is what would guide you in achieving a lot in marriage. 

Timing In Marriage

Time management is of the essence 
if you want to bulletproof 
your marriage against failure. 
Do the things you need to do 
and at the right time to avoid 
unnecessary conflict at home. 

When you constantly manage your time well, 
you will have a home where peace reign. 
The moment everyone involved 
knows what to do and at the right time, 
then there wouldn’t be a need 
for unnecessary exchange of words 
that wouldn’t bring about 
any meaningful contribution at home. 

Your time is what activates the achievement 
of any given purpose in your life. 
If you fail to manage your time, 
you might fail to manage your life. 
Learn to invest in your time 
for productive output rather than spending it 
doing nothing that could contribute 
to a better you in life. 

Sometimes, the things 
that bring about an exchange of words at home 
are lack of proper time management. 
When couples couldn’t allocate the right time 
to get things done at home, 
then it becomes a recurrent problem 
that would always derail 
the smooth running of affairs at home. 

When you manage your time well, 
you make life and things easier to handle.

Nsikak Andrew

Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Motivational Poems about Money and Trust in Marriage for You and Your Spouse
Motivational Poems about Money and Trust in Marriage for You and Your Spouse
Every relationship certainly has its ups and downs. But in all of it, it is the mutual understanding and self-respect of the partners involved that would make that relationship a blissful one.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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