These marriage relationship poems are love advice poems for married people. If you are newly married or longtime married or you are involved in a serious relationship, you are of necessity required to learn from these marriage poems.
marriage poems.
Sincerely, almost all relationships would at one time or the other go through some trouble water. To safeguard your relationship, the words of advice in these poems about building a better relationship in marriage are what you need. These poems would help you overcome relationship ups and downs in your marriage. The essence of it all is to help you build a better home where peace and tranquillity reign.
Positive thinking and a rightful attitude in marriage are required towards making your home a paradise here on earth. This marriage advice poem is a marriage poem for friends towards having the right attitude that is required to make love the centre of their relationship. Love Messages for a Special Someone in Your Life
Here comes the foundation for disunity. This suggestion is what you need to make things right in your marriage. Disunity would always lead to destruction and this poetry is a good poem that would help you dismantle disunity in marriage. Falling in Love with You Romantic Messages
Marriage comes with understanding. A cunning mindset would always not make a blissful home. To do away with a cunning mindset build your home with love and care and not with a cunning mindset. You are My Soulmate and Sunshine Romantic Love Messages
These marriage relationship poems are love advice poems for married people. If you are newly married or longtime married or you are involved in a serious relationship, you are necessarily required to learn from these Sincerely, almost all relationships would at one time or the other go through some trouble water. To safeguard your relationship, the words of advice in these poems about building a better relationship in marriage are what you need. These poems would help you overcome relationship ups and downs in your marriage. The essence of it all is to help you build a better home where peace and tranquillity reign.
Positive thinking and a rightful attitude in marriage are required towards making your home a paradise here on earth. This marriage advice poem is a marriage poem for friends towards having the right attitude that is required to make love the centre of their relationship. Love Messages for a Special Someone in Your Life
Attitude In Marriage
Your attitude to anything determines
your behaviour at every moment.
And it is your behaviour at any moment
that would also determine if you are having
the best of life in your marriage and anything you do.
If you can’t control your attitude in a positive way,
then there would always be issues around your home.
When your home lacks unity as a result of your attitude,
such is what would always bring about some sort
of hatred from your spouse.
Though we all have our differences,
but that shouldn’t be what is allowed
to build a world of separation around us.
If there is one thing that breeds disunity at home,
such is our attitude.
If you have a faulty way of reasoning
which has to do with your behaviour;
you wouldn’t even have time
to develop the things that could bring
about genuine love for the family.
If all you do is engage yourself in abused words,
then that bliss of making your home
the centre of love would never be there.
And if your behaviour is not pleasant to others,
then how do you expect those around you
to want to have anything to do with you.
Your attitude around your neighbourhood
should be such that others would want to associate with you.
And where they see you as someone
who treats your spouse without respect,
then such would also want to treat you the same way.
When you accord respect to your spouse,
others around would want
to do the same without reservation.
If you want unity to reign in your home
then let your attitude at all times show love.
If this is done with love,
then disunity would never become
a portion that is found around your home.
Nsikak Andrew
Foundation For Disunity
When you become envious of your spouse
instead of encouraging them to succeed,
you create the avenue for disunity.
Envy would never contribute anything positive
in building your home but rather would always bring
along with it the foundation for disunity.
Envy could lead to disaffection
and might contribute to the breakup of the marriage.
In as much as you are married,
you shouldn’t be threatened by the success of your spouse
but rather you both should share along in it
and contribute with the sincere motive of how
to continuously build up your business
without allowing failure to set in.
The moment you allowed envy to control your marriage,
then how would you build peace around your home?
Envy would only destroy your home
and wouldn’t contribute anything good
towards the growth of your marital life.
Nsikak Andrew
Marriage comes with understanding. A cunning mindset would always not make a blissful home. To do away with a cunning mindset build your home with love and care and not with a cunning mindset. You are My Soulmate and Sunshine Romantic Love Messages
Cunning Mindset
When the act of rebellion is found at home,
then just know that one is not up to their responsibility.
What brings about this is when one feels the other is superior
and taking up responsibility is not well defined.
Rebellion is a result of one feeling
that such is cheating in a way.
When you both work in unity
and learn to share responsibilities without
establishing any cunning mindset,
then they would be confidence
and mutual trust for one another.
Just like envy, rebellion is detrimental
to build up unity in the home.
When spouses can’t define their responsibilities
toward running home,
then they make their home becomes a place
of mockery on every slightest provocation.
Build your home with love and care and not
a centre where the rebellious spirit
is bred by the action you take.
Nsikak Andrew