The following poems about friendship in marriage are inspirational poems and marriage advice poems for a better marital life. The day you are married begins a turning point for your life.
inspirational poems and marriage advice poems for a better marital life. The day you are married begins a turning point in your life. Here you begin to learn the value of understanding and wisdom in patience when dealing with your spouse.
Marriage and friendship should go together. It is when you develop that friendship attitude in a marriage that things would begin to go the right way. Happiness is what makes a good marriage and these short poems on friendship with rhyming words are true friendship poems to boost your marital life.
This Love and Friendship to Children poem is a marital advice quote about how to take care of your children and bring the best out of them. Your children should have an equal rights so as to remove the thought of striving and envy among them. Short Romantic Text Messages for Someone Special
This short poem for parents is a relationship poem to inspire mutual understanding in carrying the needed responsibilities that would bring about peace and harmony in the home. This is a poem about parents' sacrifice towards making the home a better place for the family to dwell in. Sweet Romantic Love Poems and Birthday Poems for My Wife
This money poem is advice about how to spend your income in marriage. In terms of finance in the home, couples should have an understanding of how to manage their finance. Sweet Happy Birthday Poems for Friends
The following poems about friendship in marriage are Marriage and friendship should go together. It is when you develop that friendship attitude in a marriage that things would begin to go the right way. Happiness is what makes a good marriage and these short poems on friendship with rhyming words are true friendship poems to boost your marital life.
This Love and Friendship to Children poem is a marital advice quote about how to take care of your children and bring the best out of them. Your children should have an equal rights so as to remove the thought of striving and envy among them. Short Romantic Text Messages for Someone Special
Love And Friendship With Children
When you begin to give birth to your children,
make sure you show equal love to all of them.
Let it be your responsibility to provide for them.
When you show equal love,
they will respect you as their parents.
But when you show unequal love
and seems to prefer one child to the others,
then what you are building is hatred
that comes to affect even you
apart from them in the near future.
Every home should be a place
where the children find comfort
and could relate to their mind
to their parents without feeling resentment.
When you treat your children without love
and seems not to have to feel for their emotion,
then you would make them run into the wrong hands
that could harm their future.
As parents, you shouldn’t be too preoccupied
with your work and negligent about the well-begin of your children.
What you should give to them is attention
that shows you genuinely care for them.
When your home is divided as a couple,
then how do you expect your children
to feel in such circumstances.
If you have anything issues as a parent to settle,
you shouldn’t do much in front of your children.
You should have a better way to communicate
your disapproval of anything without allowing
your children see you as their parents exchanging words
and saying things that can never bring about unity in the home.
Remember that our children are smart enough
to understand when we as their parents are happy
and when we are sad. If all you do is nag,
they would feel life is all about nagging.
But if you teach them to be responsible
then you would have an old age to enjoy in peace.
The things our children learn are
what they see us as their parents do.
When you can’t instruct them in the ways that are right,
then do not think of having a home where unity
is the watchword but rather that which disaffection
would form part of their everyday life.
Nsikak Andrew
Responsibilities As Parents
Know your responsibilities as parents.
And do as much as you can to provide for your family.
When you know your responsibilities
and seem to ignore them,
then you are inviting anarchy around your home.
As the head of your family,
stand up to your responsibilities
and do not relegate it to the background
as one who seems not to care.
The little in your hand is enough
to take care of your family if you
can differentiate between your needs and wants.
The basic needs of your family should be
a priority in your scheme of things.
If all you do is care about yourself without
making the same provision for your family;
then how do you expect love to reign in that home.
If you make your family your priority,
then there wouldn’t be any infighting in that home.
Let every one that is involved take up their responsibilities
and try as much to be dedicated to providing for such.
If you can overcome this at home,
then you would have peace beyond your imagination.
Nsikak Andrew
This money poem is advice about how to spend your income in marriage. In terms of finance in the home, couples should have an understanding of how to manage their finance. Sweet Happy Birthday Poems for Friends
Money Issue In Marriage
When you allow any fight
to ensure at home all because of money,
then the trust and unity at home would be destroyed.
The misunderstanding that arises all because of money
the issue would never add anything meaningful to that home.
To have unity at home,
let there be that understanding between couples
on how to manage their finances.
When stinginess becomes the portion
of the husband or wife,
then that home wouldn’t experience unity.
Learn to manage your finances
no matter how little such is.
If you are in a constant habit
to discuss your finance
and also take a decision for
that which is needful to spend,
then unity would be seen at such a home.
Nsikak Andrew