When you thought and hoped it was all going to be. You envisaged that you have found that special soulmate.
Best Love Poems for the One You Love
When you thought and hoped it was all going to be. You envisaged that you have found that special soulmate. And just when you felt everything was going well, then the sad revelation emerged that you are indeed working in the footsteps of illusion. 1st October 2007 was the day this sad love poem was written.
Till Then
Upon the solid feet of her legs
I cast my love, like a solid rock
I envisaged it will last a lifetime
But like a castle built in the air
I saw her steps fade away
Like the brightness of a new dawn.
Love woven on first sight
Love nurtured through the wireless circuit
Love built through the span of years
With an insight to last a lifetime
Yet in a movement of naked reality
I saw it punctured by a ring on the third finger.
How could this be
When the heart rejoiced
That it has found her missing rib
Stories of love victory told
In the gathering of blessed saints
Yet in the journey to its actualization
Her eventual disengagement
Has been hatched within the rove ring.
Pains shall be here
Grieving in broken thoughts
That cast in doubt of love nemesis
Till a new soul is found worthy of love
That will walk down the aisle
Here will I be in search till that soul is found.
Nsikak Andrew