Condolence Sympathy Notes and Words for Someone Who Lost a Wife

It deeply pains when suddenly a loved one departs for eternity. The heart is broken by the one such left behind. To share in this deeply pained situation, here are some emotional Condolence Sympathy Notes And Words For Someone Who Lost A Wife.

Best Condolence Sympathy Notes and Words for Someone Who Lost a Wife

It deeply pains when suddenly a loved one departs for eternity. The heart is broken by the one such left behind. To share in this deeply pained situation, here are some emotional Condolence Sympathy Notes And Words For Someone Who Lost A Wife.

These heartfelt condolence messages are sympathy messages which can be a great comfort to a friend in his moment of grief. The sympathy notes are sincere words of encouragement over the demise of a loved one.

Share in every moment of grief with a friend, we all would have our time. When you send sincere words of encouragement to show your deep sympathy, it has a way of opening the heart to heal from the wound such a friend is passing through.

Condolence Sympathy Notes And Words For Someone Who Lost A Wife

These condolence sympathy notes and words for someone who lost a wife are heartfelt gesture messages from friends to a brother who lost his dear wife. You can send these condolence messages to comfort a friend who is passing through moments of life challenges over the demise of a loved one. Christian Poems of Encouragement and Strength

[1]. What a painful tragedy and loss, may you take solace in the Lord who knows the end from the beginning.

[2]. Sorry for your loss brother, may her soul rest in peace.

[3]. Ah! Can't believe it! Ah! My brother! God will comfort you and take care of the children for you. Rest in beautiful.

[4]. Accept my condolence brother, may her soul rest in peace. The Lord will sustain you and the entire family she left behind.

[5]. Sorry for the loss my friend. May her soul rest in peace.

[6]. So sad. Sorry for the loss may her soul rest in perfect peace.

[7]. So painful. She was like a mother to us. Brother, gather what she left behind and move on. May her soul continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

[8]. May the Lord give you the fortitude to bear this huge loss.

[9]. Accept my condolences, my friend. May her soul rest in peace. The Lord will uphold the family members she left behind.

[10]. So sad, may her soul rest in peace and brother may God comfort you and the entire family.

Words of Comfort For Demise Of A Loved One

The deep words of comfort here over the demise of a loved one are words to comfort someone who lost a loved one, words of remembrance for a loved one, words of comfort for the loss of a wife, words of comfort for the loss of a family member, words of comfort for a friend and comforting words for death of a wife. Happy Birthday Messages for Man of God, Leader and Mentor

[11]. Oh, God! May God give us the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. And May her soul rest in the bosom of the Lord. Take heart brother.

[12]. It is well brother! May the Lord uphold you and the children. Accept my condolence, Sir. Will keep praying for you.

[13]. Take heart. May the Lord strengthen you.

[14]. Accept my condolences, my brother. May her soul rest in peace.

[15]. My brother, this is sad news to me. Accept my condolences. May God rest her soul.

[16]. Sorry for the demise of your better half. May grant her eternal rest.

[17]. God will console you and care for you and the children.

[18]. May the lord continue to strengthen you.

[19]. May her soul rest in peace. God will comfort you and fill the vacuum for you.

[20]. May God continue to comfort you and your family I will really miss her may her soul rest in peace.

Words Of Healing And Comfort For The Bereaved

The condolence messages are deep, appropriate and warm sympathy messages to heal the heart of one who is passing through moments of pain over the demise of a loved one. You can in addition send words from the scripture too which are to comfort and strengthen the bereaved. Love Poems from the Heart, Sweet Romantic Poems and Love Poems in English

[21]. Sorry for your loss bro! May her soul rest in peace. God be with you and the family.

[22]. So sorry my brother. Do accept my condolences and I pray God will console you and give you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

[23]. I am so sorry for the sudden demise of your wife, the Lord will grant her eternal rest and comfort the loved ones she left behind.

[24]. What sad news. Please take heart brother. All will be well.

[25]. Speechless bro. Take heart. Not easy but God will pull you through.

[26]. Speechless. The good Lord console you.

[27]. My deepest condolences dear brother, I pray the Comforter holds you and your family. I also pray that the Lord will satisfy you and the children with a long, prosperous life so that her legacy will live on through the ones she left behind.

[28]. Take heart brother, God will comfort you and the kids.

[29]. Words have failed. Please accept my condolences. I am very sorry, take heart. Please be strong for the children.

[30]. Accept my condolence. May God Almighty be with you and the kids.

Sympathy Words for Someone Who Loss a Beloved Wife

Words For Someone Who Loss A Beloved Wife

Sometimes finding the right words might be difficult. But here are some of the condolence messages to say to a man whose wife has died. The messages express sympathy for the loss of his wife. Also, there are words of comfort for the loss of spouse, condolence messages to a husband who lost his wife and the loss of a wife quotes for the husband by friends. Heart Touching Poetry, Beautiful Love Poems and Special Romantic Poems

[31]. Take heart, and may God grant you the fortitude to bear this great loss.

[32]. It is well, it is painful to us but she made it to her Creator.

[33]. My condolences. May the good Lord grant you the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss and always keep your family safe!

[34]. God will console you. Tears are flowing from my eyes.

[35]. Please accept my sincere condolences. It is truly a great and irreplaceable loss. May God comfort you and your children during this trying time. It is well my brother!

[36]. So so sorry to hear of your loss, my brother. This is heartbreaking news and at the worst possible time. I pray the Lord grants you the fortitude to bear your loss, May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

[37]. Please take heart, my dear. May God empower you to bear what you cannot change and grace to move on with life. May God strengthen you and preserve the children left behind.

[38]. God have mercy! May the Almighty God comfort you. My brother, please take heart. I know it is not easy for you. May God give you strength.

[39]. So painful. Please take heart, it is God Himself who will console you and your family.

[40]. It's painful. God is your strength, my dear. He will always be there for you to see you through this critical period.

Condolence Sympathy Notes For Bereavement

The condolence sympathy notes are condolence messages on the death of a friend's wife. There are uplifting words you can write on a card which you would send to the bereaved. You can equally send these sympathy messages of bereavement as text messages to the family of the bereaved. Happy Birthday Wishes and Wedding Anniversary Messages for Couples

[41]. I'm so sorry my friend. Please accept my deepest condolences. May you and all she left behind continue to find strength, comfort and healing in God's presence. Accept my sincere condolences.

[42]. Take heart. May the good Lord grant you the fortitude to bear your loss.

[43]. I sincerely sympathise with you, my brother. May the Lord comfort you and strengthen you and your entire family. Please accept my condolences.

[44]. May her soul rest in peace. May God strengthen and bless you and your children.

[45]. Take heart brother. I pray God comforts you, upholds you and sees you through this tough time. God understands why and He knows better than we do, who are we all to question God.

[46]. So sudden. May the Lord strengthen you and guide you. It is well my brother. Accept my sincere condolences.

[47]. Be strengthened, my brother. Accept my condolences. May her soul rest in peace.

[48]. Oh my God, it's well my brother, Please take heart and may her soul rest in peace. So painful.

[49]. God Almighty knows how it happened, may her gentle soul Rest in peace. Accept my sympathy, and may God console and strengthen you and your lovely children. It is well with you.

[50]. I pray that God should forgive her sins and rest her soul in peace and grant you the heart to bear her demise and also protect you and the children she left. Take heart it is well.

Take Heart Condolence Messages For Demise Of A Loved One

These are heartfelt condolence messages for the demise of a loved one. There are heartfelt sad death messages, death messages for loved ones and condolence messages on the death of a friend's wife. Short Romantic Birthday Wishes for Husband and Wife

[51]. Take heart, my brother. May her gentle soul rest in peace and may God give you the grace to bear this great loss. Please accept my condolence

[52]. God bless, and console you and the children! May her soul rest in peace.

[53]. Accept my condolences as your sweetheart departs this world. God knows best and He's fully acquainted with all happenings. May He grant you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

[54]. Deeply sorry for this brother! May only God console you. Take heart and may her soul rest in peace.

[55]. Accept my condolences. My prayers are with you and your children at this time. God, Himself will console you at this time.

[56]. Accept my belated sympathy. May God grant you and the entire family the grace to bear the irreparable loss. What a painful moment! May her gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

[57]. Oh, my brother! May God comfort you and your family in this trying time. It is well.

[58]. I am so sorry for your loss. May God be with the entire family at this time.

[59]. Accept our deepest condolences my dearly beloved brother. May the Lord grant you and the entire family the fortitude to bear the loss, grace and divine guidance to move on.

[60]. Take heart, please. God is with you and your kids at this difficult time.

Best Sympathy Words to Comfort a Bereaved Friend

Sympathy Words To Comfort A Bereaved Friend

Here are deep respectful condolence messages for the demise of a friend's wife. The messages of sympathy are condolence messages for a friend's wife's death, condolence messages for the loss of a wife and rest in peace messages. Inspirational Thank You Birthday Wishes for Wife from Husband, Friends and Admirers

[61]. Take heart brother. May her gentle soul rest in the Lord. May God Almighty who gives life continue to protect you and your children.

[62]. Accept my condolences bro! May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace!

[63]. My brother, in truth I am short of words with this kind of news but one thing I know very well is that God will never forsake you and your kids. Please accept my condolences, please and please try to be strong, I know it's not going to be easy but for the sake of your children.

[64]. So sorry to learn of your loss, the Almighty God will console you. May she rest in peace.

[65]. Sad! Please accept my condolence and take heart. May she soul rest in peace.

[66]. So sad! The Almighty God will console you. It is well with you.

[67]. May her soul rest in perfect peace. Heaven will uphold you and the children.

[68]. It is sad news, to hear of such an untimely death of your love. Please take heart and don't question God although very hard, for He knows why.

[69]. Please accept my sincere condolences. I pray that Heaven will whisper to you that she is safe in the hands of the Almighty God.

[70]. Accept my condolences, my brother. May the Almighty God strengthen you and give you the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

Deep Sympathy Words Of Condolence For A Bereaved Friend

Though this is tough, we just have to share in the pains of others. These messages of sympathy are to bring comfort to the bereaved. You can do well to send messages to a friend who is passing through pain over the loss of his loved one. Happy Birthday Messages to a Role Model, Mentor and Boss Lady

[71]. Accept my condolences over her demise. God will uphold you and the children she left behind. It is well.

[72]. My brother, this is sad indeed, please accept my sincere condolences. I pray for strength and courage to bear the irreparable loss.

[73]. What happened? May the Lord console you and the family, and may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

[74]. Accept my condolences brother, may her soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

[75]. May God Almighty console you and the entire family.

[76]. Death is inevitable but in all God can't be questioned. He alone will see you through. He will shoulder your children and fill the empty vacuum.

[77]. God knows everything, He will see you through and keep your children safe.

[78]. I feel your pain and tears but for sure He will give you the strength to carry on. Not easy at all but our God is your solace and succour.

[79]. So sorry for your loss. May the Lord comfort you and the family. My sincere condolences.

[80].  Accept my condolence, and hold yourself and your children.

Condolence Sympathy Messages For Friend's Wife's Death

Here are some of the best condolence messages which are sympathy messages for the loss of a wife which you can send to a dear friend, brother or husband who just lost his beloved wife. My Wedding Anniversary Wishes

[81]. So sorry for your loss, may God grant you grace to bear this and heal your heart. Truly she was a virtuous woman, I will really miss her. Rest on.

[82]. May her soul find eternal rest and may the Lord comfort you and keep the children she left behind.

[83]. May the Lord grant you the strength to bear this loss and may God protect the rest members of the family.

[84]. It is well with you and your family, wonderful God will console you. Accept my sympathy. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

[85]. May the Lord grant her eternal rest and may you be continually consoled. God will be with you and the family.

[86]. It is very well with you beloved Brother. May God's grace and comfort of the Spirit be with you and everyone.

[87]. The Almighty and infallible God will make you and the children smile again. May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace! Accept my condolence.

[88]. So sorry for your loss my brother. The Lord Himself will comfort and be with you and the children. It's well.

[89]. It is so difficult to lose your dear wife. Take heart. God will surely protect you and your children. He will give you the consolidation that is everlasting. Remain focused and be blessed.

Condolence Sympathy Messages On The Death Of Wife

Find here words of condolence to send across to someone whom you know who just lost his beloved wife. These messages of comfort during the time of grief are words that would comfort the heart of the one who is passing through the sad memories of losing a loved one. Happy Mother's Day Messages

[90]. Take heart, my brother, and may the good Lord give you the strength to bear the loss. It is well with your soul.

[91]. God's peace, comfort and joy will prevail. It is well with you to receive grace to bear the loss. Please accept my condolences.

[92]. God will shield you and the family to bear this irreplaceable loss and strength to move on the life journey.

[93]. It is well with you my humble brother, may her soul rest in perfect peace. God almighty will console you brother. All will be well. Shalom!

[94]. May God grant you the fortitude to bear this loss and bless all that she left behind. Accept my condolences.

[95]. Accept my condolences. May God grant her soul eternal rest. Please take heart and be strong. God will comfort you.

[96]. My brother, it's well with her soul, please take heart, I know it's so painful, but God is your strength.

[97]. So sad, brother! God will be your strength, my good friend. It is well with you. May God comfort you till the end.

[98]. God almighty will continue to console and strengthen you. It is well my brother. Please accept my deepest condolences.

[99]. Accept my sympathy beloved brother. May God comfort you and yours at this time. God grant her soul eternal rest.

[100]. May the good Lord continue to console and comfort you at this time. Remain strong in the Lord. I am so sorry you have had to go through this. May she rest peacefully.


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Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Condolence Sympathy Notes and Words for Someone Who Lost a Wife
Condolence Sympathy Notes and Words for Someone Who Lost a Wife
It deeply pains when suddenly a loved one departs for eternity. The heart is broken by the one such left behind. To share in this deeply pained situation, here are some emotional Condolence Sympathy Notes And Words For Someone Who Lost A Wife.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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