If you are mourning your departed loved one, here are emotional christian tribute to a mother who passed away.
First the call and then the message. And there the grief began. How do you come to terms that your beloved mother has gone to be with the Lord her Maker. Who do you question when the very life you live is not yours. Indeed in this world, we are only a stranger. "Who can course a thing to happen when the Lord has not given an order?"
Living with the reality that all we pursue after would one day have an end and all that we will take home is nothing but our spirit to answer to the deeds to which we have done.
May the road to our home journey be peaceful. I come in peace and for the love of a departed mother are these emotional collections of deep heartfelt tribute to a mother who passed away.
Emotional Tribute to a Mother Who Passed Away
With a heart that harbours gratitude, here are words that would comfort and bring about peace to our souls as we appreciate our departed mother who gave it all to make us better people.
Tribute to my Dear Mama
When you couldn't move a distance
and tears became a slow breath
that moves your steps
tears watered my eyes with mourning.
When smells of delicacies
meant nothing in your mouth
and every drop of spices
became a struggle to swallow
I wept in secret
and prayed the Good Lord
to restore your days.
When the Doctors communicated their verdict
that all we needed was divine intervention
how I wish I could breathe life into you
but how it pleases your Maker to grant you eternal rest.
Rest from the pains of this world
and be free from the troubles of this life
Your home is glory
Rest till we meet on that glorious morning.
Tribute to our Beloved Mother
Mma, you were a self-made woman
who stood like a pillar
for us, your children and your family.
Though the bliss of marriage
you only enjoyed it for seven years
and lose the man of your dream
you dedicated your life to nurturing us.
Even when we lost our brother,
you could still stand,
bear the pain and move on with life.
Sometimes, it pains us
that life seems not to be fair to you
For how could you raise us up
and at the time to rib the fruit
of your labour, you are gone.
We will always remember
the good time we shared together
your kind words of advice
and your hospitality.
You were a mother among mothers
Greatly, we will ever miss you
Mama, continue to rest in perfect peace.
[Daughter and Son]
Tribute to my Beloved Sister
My beloved Sister
you are my Sister
that we were so close
since the death of our mother.
You were the one
I look up to
We do all things together
but now
death has separated us.
Rest in peace
till we meet again.
Tribute to a Mother
time, it is said, changes things.
There was a time you were young and vibrant
you married an Uncle dear to me.
There was a time you were able
to go out whenever you wanted.
arrived as the Good book says
when you could not obey the command of your mind.
Today you are no more
As a philosopher wrote
"You belong to the Ages"
tears fill the eyes of those left behind
nothing can touch you again
Sleep and be assured that on that glorious morning
you will wake up without pain.
Adieu, Mma!