Endless Love Quotes and Messages to Prove My Love for You

Endless Love Quotes and Messages to Prove My Love for You

These my endless love quotes and messages to prove my love for you are deep emotional love quotes and my love for you is endless messages.

Love Messages for a Special Someone in Your Life
Romantic Love Text Messages
Falling in Love with You Romantic Messages
Best Endless Love Quotes and Messages to Prove My Love for You

When you encounter the love that gives you peace of mind anytime, you will sincerely become glad for that special love that makes you feel so special and wanted. These endless love quotes are the best emotional and at the same time inspirational love messages that are so poetic to the heart of the one you love.

The messages of love here express true love to make the say of some cute love feel the special need to say thank you to you for all the love that you both share.

Go on and make your love count with these endless romantic love messages that you can send to the special one in your life. These love messages are specially designed to make the one you love to feel a better day and blessed the day to which such found you.

Best Endless Love Quotes and Messages to Prove My Love for You

These romantic love messages to prove my love for you are deep emotional love quotes, deep love messages for her, my love for you is endless messages, emotional love quotes for him, short deep love quotes for her and sweetest I love you messages for your one and only true love. I know we've only been together for a short time, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I love you more and more each day and can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Text Messages to Make Him or Her Want You

[1]. With tendered words of love, you cast a spell on me. I yield without success to resist those words. But how they had found a path to my soul, that all I want is the fragrance of those words, words of your love that had touched my soul for real.

[2]. Take me with you and love me without blemish. Purify me with your love and let nothing take you away from me. Let your love be my all, that I will live in worship of you and nothing else.

[3]. Take me far away and love me with a fierce fire in your eyes. Wild my soul and let the violence from your eyes dares my emotion with passion. Let the silent pain of pleasure control my imagination that I will explore in this wild desire of your romantic ecstasy.

[4]. Even if I die, within my departed soul, your love shall forever live on. This love of you shall be my shelter even in that dark ground of descending feet. I shall rest with thoughts of you in my soul till the glorious day that the trumpet shall sound.

[5]. Pleasure in the web of your love. Her sublime lines had lured me to the edge of your throne. There I am web with engulfed pleasure that the passion of your love sub-plant. Let me be webbed, for the alluring power of your love, I surrender, that this love of yours shall forever be my web of treasure.

[6]. Two strange souls, brought together by one soul – love is the word. To her, we have found ourselves and in her, we shall make our bed that at the root of her birth shall we gloom, that everyone who liveth, shall know that the love of us, is one made from above.

[7]. Like two rivers flow together, so is our love. This was meant to be that we will flow in want of each other. Thank Goodness that we met so we can flow together in love till the ends do us part.

[8]. In my heart, your love takes her reign. The throne is where she sat and ruled with all the passion that it bears. I have no resistance to her rulership. Her will I obey, to love you and live for you just as it commanded. Her will I obey, to love you and live for you just as it commanded.

[9]. I beseech thee take not your love away from me. If I live, all I need to feel is the breath of your tender love. Your love is like the dawn of a new day. My soul has awakened with a passion that seeks none else but you.

[10]. Look to the sky and behold your beauty painted in every wave of her movement. Look within your soul and see your love painted like the wave of a rainbow. To the sky and your soul, I have found the beauty of love. Let me live in this beauty of you that I will recount my days in everlasting pleasure.

Deep Motivational Quotes of the Day

If you want something to be said, use a man. But if you want something done, use a woman.” – Margaret Thatcher

How true is the above quote from the late female British Prime Minister? Either way, if you put a comment to it, she might have some real facts to it. 

If I may ask as a man, has a woman ever “worried” your life before? Maybe a little “worry” from a woman when it becomes persistent, you may understand what the statement seems to mean. 

Somehow from the statement, there is some element of serious truth in it. Men generally betray their emotions when it comes to taking action. 

Maybe it is the nature of a man as a father to always look at anything in its true nature before taking any action. Like they say a man thinks before he acts while a woman acts before she thinks. 

Hope the womenfolk would not crucify me on this. I mean no harm but seriously let us look in-between the line. 

Ask yourself, would a man delay make a decision when it has to do with taking an action on a matter that requires urgent attention? 

Men are known to bear the cost of anything that worries their minds. They prefer to take a look at it critically and this to any woman is looked upon as a delay in action. 

A woman wants it done immediately and done with it as it demands. But a man would seem to paint a picture of it and give it time before finally taking his decision.

Sometimes the cause of this delay is worth it but sometimes, it isn’t. Generally, when the situation at hand demands the taking of life or harming the one to which the action would be taken, it requires a critical decision. 

Forget what people may say, most women are strong-willed. Bold, daring and quick to give back the way it comes.

When a woman is open, we say she is daring and people might seem to trade her way with caution. 

But what about those we feel are not daring, sincerely, if you dare them, you will understand that sometimes it is so cool to deal with someone you understand their trait of outspokenness than the other way. 

If I should be true to you, anyone who is outspoken has nothing to hide but we tend to look at them as somehow daring. 

It might in the long run surprise you that any woman we seem to see as strong-willed is in fact so emotional compared to others. 

When a woman has the effrontery to stand up for her right, we equate it to equity and equality. But sometimes it might not be true.

A woman in order to cover her weaker side seems to trace that line of action which is later on always regrettable. A woman feels because of her nature in creation, she is looked upon as the weaker vessel at the receiving side of history. 

So to overcome that, she builds herself with a mind that is always protective towards defending her own ideology. But as a man and father, you do not need to go that way. 

Ours was to love and theirs was to obey. So when you love, she will obey and no two ways about it.

I know sometimes for some people to achieve their worth, they need to be pushed. If that push is to achieve a definite purpose, it is worth it but if it is towards negative attributes, then it is not worth it. 

Getting anything done, should be what should benefit all and not towards destruction. Action to me should be taken immediately and not be procrastinated, that is if the action is what will benefit humanity and the person taking the action. 

Delay I know is dangerous and can kill the spirit of forthrightness. Again I would say if it is for good, then it is worth it but if not, forget it because anything that will not do any good, shouldn’t be attempted.

In conclusion and in line with Margaret Thatcher’s statement that says, “If you want something to be said, use a man. But if you want something done, use a woman”

To me, that is her ideology at the time which prompted her to make the statement. I would say she has the right as far as there is freedom of speech. 

You may either choose to believe her or not. It is entirely your choice because that is the power we as humans have, to make a choice and stand by our choice. 

When you can make a choice and stand by your choice, it defines the person in you.           

Love and Peace! 

[11]. Virgin of my love, you that innocency has dotted your days. Make me your lover that within the closet of my soul, your love would reign. If I could find a way to your heart, to you forever, will I give the treasure of my soul.

[12]. Let not your body glimpse through the thoughts of my heart. A thought of your alluring beauty drives me insane. I shall only be cured by the sameness of your care. And your tender touches are all I need to see another day.

[13]. I await you in my arms like a mother would await his newborn child. I await you in my arms like a man would await you in my life like someone would await the love of his life. I await you, for the throne of my love, your heart has stolen.

[14]. Punish me with the rhythm of your love. Let your love tempt me to yearn to possess you in totality. Make me wonder with emotion in search of that which is alive. I shall love this, for love without pain is worthless.
[15]. Imagine a day without you. Imagine life without you. A day without you would be boring and life without you would be useless. To make it worthwhile, a day and a life with you is forever a glorious day in paradise.

[16]. I sank to my knees when I beheld the beauty hidden in your love. Never had I known what the love in you was that I took for granted. Now that I knew to the shoulder of my elbow will I lift your love to that I would be to you that angel that will love and guide you forever.

[17]. A fresh flame burned my heart with passion. Ember of your touch sends me to the world of alluring pleasure. I shall want this kind of touch that I would forever be in need of you and all that you meant to me – love eternally.

[18]. Pain is the worth we pay for love. If you haven’t been in pain, then you haven’t been loved. Experience the touch of pain, mixed with the pleasure of passion. That is the only way you will discover the secret hidden in love. I experienced this and that made me love you like crazy.

[19]. Fear and anxiety, capture the horror of confusion that lines the corridor of love. To the heart that loves, confusion seems to find her reign. You seek to go, yet you find yourself yielding. What can you do? Love has gotten a hold of you. And to her throne, forever you will dance as long as the magic prevails.

[20]. Look not to my eyes for the coldness that sparks fire. Take me around your arms and make me sleep in the bosom of your love. Let your cares rekindle my desire that I would awake in ecstasy to yearn for this fierce love of yours, that is undiluted.

Inspirational Words for Today

“I was raped at the age of 9.” – Oprah Winfrey. “I didn’t even complete my university education.” – Bill Gates. “In my childhood days, I stitched shoes.” – Abraham Lincoln. “I struggled academically through elementary school.” – Dr Ben Carson. “I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training.” – Lionel Messi. “I used to sleep on the floor in friends’ rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money and getting weekly free meals at a local temple.” – Steve Jobs. “My teachers used to call me a failure.” – PM Tony Blair

I got these inspiring words some time ago that almost got a drop of tears out of my eyes from Whatapps Connect’s Facebook page. Sincerely the moment I saw this post, I sat back and began to think and reason at the same time; asking myself if these people actually went through all that in life. 

If actually they went through this like they confessed, then it makes me wonder why people are worrying and just killing themselves over nothing. 

If these great men and women could withstand the humiliation, depression, despair, and the lowest self-esteem of the highest order, and still could make it to the top and become that which they desired to be in life, then we as humans have no excuses to fail.

“Despair is the foot mat on which we build our success story.”   

Life is dynamic, I believe we all know. What actually makes it so is its worth of it. And this worth can only be gotten if we go through its many roads that are filled with thorns which prepare us ahead to actualize our dreams. 

“There is no vision without despair and there is no victory without setbacks.” 

We should have it at the back of our minds that nothing good comes easy. If you want it good, then be prepared to pay the price. 

Sincerely, if these great people whom the world still stands in salute of their courage could pass through all these in their early life and still could make it to the top without allowing what they went through affect their mindset, then we who are passing through a difficult time at the moment in our life’s, have no excuse or bundle of reasons to make life feel as if it is a bed of rose all through the time.

“Stand up and fight for your rights no matter the frustration you are going through.”

For the benefit of the doubt, we all know who these personalities are in our present world and the influence they carried in their respective field of human endeavours. 

On a lighter note, there is no need to further boost their ego, maybe you should take a little time online and do a search on Google for each of the mentioned names. Maybe a little proof of the outcome will convince you. 

Me, as I sat back to do a little deep research online about each of the personalities, I realized something that is so striking about each of them. 

“Victory is achieved after passing through many rough roads without stopping to complain.” 

Apart from reading about them and coming across some of them on our television set, if you could look beyond their appearance, you will sense what I saw. 

Those striking attributes that define every successful person. The very attributes the Bible recognized as the route one should take to achieve greatness. A look at that attribute is in Matthew (23:12) “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted”.

It is good to humble yourself because humility is the key to success. When you are humble, you will ever be at peace with your enemy. 

“Humility is the gateway to success.”

Taking a look at some of the notable Bible characters, we can see that what made them stand out is nothing but the spirit of humility.   

Abraham was humbled and God called him the father of all nations. Joseph was humbled which made him become a King in a strange land.  David was humble and God called him a man after His heart. Esther exhibits the spirit of humility and she was chosen among others to be the Queen. 

“Humility is what opens everlasting doors to greatness.” 

There is something able humility that connects with our faith to actualize our dreams, destiny and the purpose for which we were created. 

When a man is humble, you will find within him this undeniable faith that gives him the grace to face every challenge of life and walk through them without making it feel as if that is the end for him. 

Humility is what opens every closed door. When you walk with humility, you can never be stranded no matter what you are passing through. 

“Difficult times were not designed to break you down totally but are designed as a testing ground to inspire you to greatness.” 

So in every difficult time you experience, it should not make you give up but rather, kill the fear in you, rise up and face it squarely because what you stand up to, is what will make you tall and not what you sit down about. 

Imagine if these people had given up, would we have gotten men who are inspiring their generation to greatness? Let us say Bill Gates has given up; then there will be no Microsoft and the richest man in the world. And if Lionel Messi had given up, many would not be enjoying the beautiful game he gives to Barcelona. 

Imagine that Dr Ben Cason had given up, then where would there be the gifted hand that leads the way to the first successful separation of sesame twins. And if Steve Jobs had done the same, today, there would be no Apple and the Ipads. And if Oprah Winfrey had done the same, what would have happened to the brand Oprah Winfrey Show? 

If Abraham Lincoln had given up in spite of the many times he failed, but to date, he is the best and would I say the best American President of all time. How about Tony Blair, the British have in him a Prime Minister, Minister. In all, do not let the challenges of life make you forget your dreams.

“No matter the difficult time you are going through, never give up on your dreams.”

In life giving up when it is not conducive is like defeating yourself. The things we pass through in life are to toughen us and make us strong. 

It is to teach the real lesson of life in progression. And when we give up, we kill our dreams and also in the process kill our purpose.

 In order to save mankind, Our Saviour went through so much and in all that He went through, He never complained but He said Father forgives them for they know not what they do. 

If he had complained, then the purpose would have been defeated. He chose to give it all it takes because that was the only option that could bring salvation to the whole world.

“Complaining about your situation will give you no edge to push forward and make your dream a reality.”

Lastly, every life is to fulfil a purpose and the road to fulfilling that purpose is scattered with thorns. Thorns of difficulties, depression, hatred, backbiting, frustration and all other negative devices you can think of but the bottom line is we as individuals, who believe in our dreams, shouldn’t be afraid to give it all that we have gotten within us. 

I know people who may only see your physical appearance without looking at your inside and determining the gift and potential within you. I know this may seem to discourage you, but for you, you shouldn’t be discouraged but rather hold on to your faith. 

It is only yourself who knows you have it and it is your duty to hold on to it and never let anyone discourage you. People will talk, but be yourself. What you need to do is look up to Him who has given you the gift and humble yourself in place of authority. 

If you can be true to yourself and your Maker, then forever and at all times, you will always find the inspiration that will inspire you to greatness.

“Stand firm and you will overcome.”

Love and Peace! 

[21]. I brim with desire, for a load of love, I see in your eyes, would take only the pleasure of you to unload. Take me to your land of passion and erase this wild desire that has consumed my soul with ecstasy.

[22]. Love me in your arms and do to me all that is your strength. I shall take it as it comes. For it is better to live in your undying love than die in unfilled dreams.

[23]. I lay before you a sacrifice. Take my soul and give me your love. If this is all I will live for, then let your love be my guard. For my soul is prepared to be sacrificed at the throne of your love.

[24]. Look into my eyes and see the tension that you bring. How could you do such a terrible thing? How could you take all that is to our bond as if it is valueless? And to make me fall, you see for another that is in me. This way of you has killed my soul and only one way, it can come to be – love me back the way it used to be.

[25]. Let my love not come like a thief but let you will give me the grace to long for you. If you shall continually keep me in suspense, then I shall have no option than echo to the whole universe that in between the secrecy of my heart, your love has stolen my soul and you alone, that has the key to free me from this insanity.

[26]. Fierce in anger, I shall take no delay. If my love can’t find a space in your heart, I shall breathe an air of venom that will consume us both with this wild feeling that the beauty of you has inspired.

[27]. Let your breath be like music to my soul. Let your voice be the rhythm that frees my caged memory. Let your love in all, be the torchlight that lights my heart with a brightness to resurrect my weak soul.

[28]. So adoring is your beauty that a song of praise could be sung to Venus. Your beauty is incomparable. It is a weapon that intoxicates my soul. Even though it does, with the grace of her, I found the joy to love you in totality.

[29]. Love that can never be forgotten. A dream that would lay a bed of roses to flourish upon. I searched for love and found yours with all her sincerity. This love of yours I will never forget. I shall cherish it as long as I live. For her, I shall want none. For what others have that can be compared to you. Your love is eternal, a pleasure house for me to live by.
[30]. Who can give to me that which life can’t give? Who can do to me what another can’t do? Your love has given to me all and to you, I seek to live, every day of my life.

[31]. My love for you is endless, like the ocean that never runs dry. Your love fills me with warmth and joy that I have never known before. I am so grateful to have you in my life and I promise to always love and cherish you.

[32]. Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure. You are the light in my life that guides me and the love that fills my heart. I am so blessed to have you by my side and I will love you forever and always.

[33]. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one for me. Your love is the most precious thing in my life and I will do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way. I love you now and always.

[34]. I love you more and more every day. Your love is the foundation of my happiness and the source of my strength. I am so grateful to have you in my life and I will always cherish and adore you.

[35]. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out. Your love has transformed my life in the most amazing way and I am so thankful to have you by my side. I will love you until the end of time.

[36]. I could search the entire world and never find someone who loves me as much as you do. You are the love of my life and I am grateful for every moment we share together.

[37]. Your love fills my heart with joy and happiness. I am so blessed to have you by my side, and I will always love you endlessly.

[38]. Your love is the light that guides me through even the darkest of days. I am grateful for your endless love and support.

[39]. I never knew true love until I met you. You have shown me what it means to love and be loved unconditionally. I am yours forever and always.

[40]. Your love is the most precious thing in my life. I am so grateful to have you by my side, and I will always cherish and adore you.

[41]. I am so lucky to have found the love of my life in you. Your endless love and affection mean the world to me.

[42]. I love you more and more every day. Your love is the most precious gift I have ever received and I will always treasure it.

[43]. I am so grateful to have you in my life. Your endless love and support mean everything to me. I will always love you.

[44]. I never knew true happiness until I met you. Your love has brought so much joy and fulfillment into my life. I am yours forever.

[45]. I am so blessed to have you as my partner and the love of my life. Your endless love and devotion inspire me every day.

[46]. My love for you is endless and boundless, reaching far beyond the limits of the universe. You are the light that guides me through the darkness, the rock that steadies me in times of trouble, and the one person who completes me in every way. I am so grateful to have you in my life, and I will love you now and always.

[47]. I love you more than words can express, more than the stars that light up the sky, more than the oceans that stretch out before us. You are my everything, and I will love you until the end of time.

[48]. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one for me. Your love has filled my life with joy and happiness, and I am so thankful to have you by my side. I will love you with every beat of my heart and every breath in my body.

[49]. You are the one person who has always been there for me, through the good times and the bad. Your love has given me strength and courage, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I love you more than words can say, and I always will.

[50]. You are the love of my life, the one person who makes my heart skip a beat. Your love is the most precious thing in the world to me, and I will always cherish it. I love you now and forever.

Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Endless Love Quotes and Messages to Prove My Love for You
Endless Love Quotes and Messages to Prove My Love for You
These my endless love quotes and messages to prove my love for you are deep emotional love quotes and my love for you is endless messages.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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