Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday that You Can Use Daily

Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday that You Can Use Daily

These positive affirmation quotes to say everyday is a daily affirmation that will bring about positive results in your life and that of others.

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 Best Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday

When you repeat positive statements to yourself or write them down in a notebook on a regular basis, they can help you have a more optimistic outlook on the world.

Retraining your mind to think more positively by including motivational sayings and affirmations in your day is one strategy that can be helpful to your state of mind and physical well-being.

Are you prepared to begin using some potent, inspirational affirmations? Why not get started with these collections of short positive affirmations that will inspire you beyond limits.

Powerful Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday

Here are positive words of affirmation to say everyday for a positive result that will bring about a total change in your life if you care enough to take them to heart. Thought of the Day Quotes in English that Will Inspire You

[1]. Believe In Change. Never resist change if you do, you will remain in one spot for the rest of your life. Change is an unforeseen hand that changes our destiny for good. Change your attitude to change your destiny. The change will only come if you believe in yourself. Life will never change except you change with it but all you need is to choose the portion you want and work towards achieving it. Change your belief to change your life. If you keep to your belief without a total change in life, then you will remain in one spot also the time. Anything you believe is possible when you can achieve it. 

[2]. Success and Attitude. Success and attitude walk hand-in-hand. You can never get to one without the other and to succeed, you can’t do without them. True success is built on attitude. And success can only be attained if you have the right attitude towards dealing with others. Being smart has its own limits but having the right attitude is limitless and a panacea for opening many other doors to success. The factor needed for success is attitude. It is through this you will attain your set goals in life. If you can solve your attitude problem, then you can live without any unnecessary regret. One thing limiting us from our breakthrough if carefully checked is our attitude but the problem is at times we actually don’t know we have it. The right attitude brings the right connections to our life and business. The wrong one has a way of destroying whatever we had built. To be successful, you have to dream it. It is dreaming it and working towards it that success will come your way. One step at a time is all you need to climb to the ladder of success. A man is successful when he learns that success is only attainable when he helps others along the road to success. 

[3]. Never Be Stagnant In Learning. Learning makes us better people and gives us the power to conquer our world. Do not let classroom education makes you feel you have gotten all. Remember all you knew in class is 30% and the others through self-learning. What you discover by yourself is only what will stay in your heart. And this can only be if you subject yourself to constant reading. Deep knowledge is gotten when we persistently read. Deep learning, gives us a broader view of life and how to deal with different kinds of people that would ever come our way. Self-learning is a character builder. Anyone who seeks to be happy in all he does should make her a true friend. Get all the qualifications you need but if you fail to educate yourself through continuous learning, then you have gotten nothing.

Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday for Others

“I came to London to become a legend and now I am a Legend.” – Usain Bolt

A bold statement from a man with a brave heart! This is not just a mere statement but a statement mixed with what I called the “3D Principles” [Discipline, Determination and Dedication] to produce results. The London 2012 Olympics had come and gone but the memory of the spring king whose 9.58-second 100m race is considered the fastest in history will ever linger on the mind of those who saw it coming. Speaking about Bolt, one will realise that he did not just drop from the moon to become a reference point in the field of track but I would say, he applied the 3D Principles to get to the height we all have come to admire once he does the “Lighting bolt” sign after winning every race.

My main focus of this article is not to bore you but to draw out a simple fact about life which we missed while chasing our dreams. Nothing takes a man to the top like the passion for his dream. And speaking about passion, the desire to achieve it, is the springboard to which the dream in our hearts is propelled to its accomplishment if given the right focus in the platform of what I considered to be the 3D Principles. In a study of men who had ever achieved their dreams, one would realise the recurrent decimals in their travail to make their dreams a reality.

The power of discipline, determination and above all dedication has always played an important role in every phase of achieving one's dream and purpose in life. Every other Principle, if carefully looked at, has its laws embedded in what I considered to be the 3D Principles. If we speak about the positive forces to achieving our dreams like; staying focused, taking action, building a positive self-image, moving around with the right people, having a mentor, recognizing time management, etc or the negative forces like; procrastination, depression, low self-esteem, not believing in oneself, lack of seriousness etc, we would realize that all are enclosed within the 3D Principles.

Discipline! No man achieves anything in life without discipline. If actually we seek to achieve our goal in life, then we should learn to be disciplined and tailor ourselves towards achieving that purpose. Actually, men would always dream but working towards making that dream a reality is always a problem. I have seen men with great potential and ideas but lacking the strong will to make their dream come true. And making any dream come true has to do with discipline. Trying to define the word discipline I would say could make us break the dictionary in search of it. To me, discipline is discipline and no shortcut to it. If you are disciplined, you will excel in your chosen field but if not, you will remain where you are for as long as you lack discipline. In other to be focused, you need discipline. It is what will take you far and guide you to your desired destination which is to achieve your goal and purpose in life.

Time management is another essential outlook of discipline. The time to build our dreams is not a negotiable time to play around and engaged in what will bring us no profit in the end. It might look tough at the start but that is what it takes to achieve our dream and purpose in life. Always have at the back of your mind that we wouldn’t be here forever and every little time we have, counts a lot. Do not be lazy with time or always procrastinate about moving up with your dream. The moment you dream it, then it is time to start working towards achieving it and all you need to make that a reality is to discipline yourself no matter the challenges that might make you want to give up.

“Dreams can only be achieved if we discipline ourselves and work hard with the sole aim to achieve it.”

If we take a look at this, the ability to plan and achieve our strategy is embedded in the discipline. Discipline gives us the heart to plan and stay focused on our plan. Life actually teaches us to plan. In the place of planning, discipline plays an important role. It is the discipline we give to our plan, that we can withstand the pressure that comes along with every step we take to make our dream a reality. Planning enables you to overcome so many challenges. It makes you determine your income and expenditure. It is what also contributes to making your dream a reality.

If your aim is to make a success out of your life, you need to plan in every step of your endeavour. Even in a battle, it is he who plans ahead, that victory is ensured. So in all you do, plan ahead and never walk with a blind state of mind feeling that all is well.

“All is actually well when you learn to plan ahead.”       

Determination! David was determined and that was why he could stand up to Goliath [1 Samuel 17:1-58]. Determination comes with the braveness of heart that likes taking risks. Risk is what brings us gain. Remember the saying, “No risk, no gain”. Anyone with a brave heart of taking a calculated risk can make a success out of anything. If you take a look at successful men, you will realize the risk element in their entire endeavour.

“Risk is what brings us a profit and to get to that point, a determination is a sure word that guides the process.”

You might have all the ideas and potential, but if you are not determined, you can never achieve your aim. You might have heard people say, “I must succeed”. The moment they are determined and put that word into action, sincerely, it comes to be. Nothing is as powerful as spoken words backed by determination and action.

In the Book of Genesis [1:1-29], it was the spoken words from God that all that is to be, came to be. These words were not just spoken; there were backed up with immediate action. Looking at this, we can employ the same in all that we seek to become. The moment we discover our potential and what we have passion for, it is left for us to keep speaking it and backing them up with the determination to take action. If we keep to it, then we can become it no matter the obstacle that comes our way. Remember nothing makes a man so confident in himself like determination. If you are determined, you win, but if not, you lose. So be determined to win and keep winning all the way.

“Winning in life is a function of self-determination.”

Dedication! I like what the Bible said in Proverbs [22:29], “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean [men]”. Here, the word diligent has to do with commitment and discipline. It is in the place of discipline; one will find his destiny and fulfilled his dream and purpose. Joseph is a good example of a man who has the power of discipline in him. It was through discipline that he achieved his dream when every temptation within him to have yielded to his master’s wife played itself down [Gen. 39:7-18].

“Though discipline might deny us living a life of permanent or temporary pleasure, the end justifies the means.”

It is the end that tells a man’s story and not the beginning. It is good to discipline ourselves if our aim in life is to achieve our goals. The 3D principles we could see clearly have to do with preparation, persistence, and giving oneself to the course you believe would bring you the desired fulfilment of your desired dream. 

Dedication to your dream will always bring unspeakable joy to the body and soul if you keep to it. If you can show me a man who is dedicated to his duty, then, I would show you a man who will succeed without much struggle. Nothing brings a man to his desired place of fulfilment like dedication. In other to find the fulfilment of purpose, you need to be dedicated to what you do. Do not make your dream a one-leg-in and one-leg-out affair. It is not the best and would never be. Dedication is all you need to make life worth living.

“The more you are dedicated, the more you will discover the loopholes and gain the desire experience which is priceless and a panacea to help propel you to success and achieving your dream.”     

Lastly, let me leave you with this post I found on my Facebook page from FasteCash.“Thomas Edison had a dream, he gave us the light bulb, Wright Brothers had a dream, they gave us the aeroplane, Henry Ford had a dream, he gave us an automobile, Bill Gates had a dream, he gave us Window Operating System, Mark Zuckerberg had a dream, he gave us Facebook. What is your dream? Don’t lose focus of it, be persistent and the world will soon celebrate you.”

You will make it if you stay disciplined, determined and dedicated no matter the test of time. Just have the faith in your ability and with the grace of God backing you, you will succeed.

Whatever you want out of life, if you stay within the three core principles as stated, you can win any race no matter the obstacle. Focus on your dream and apply yourself to these principles. This is what the successful people we admired are using to build up their life and investment. There is no magic to it, put your life to work and take action. You will get there I believe. A toast to your success! 

“Determination, discipline, dedication and the grace of God is all you need to make your life a success.”  

[4]. Weakness, Strength And The Inner Mind. Strength is a result of weakness. Anyone who needs to gather strength let him or her recognize his weakness. Dwelling much negativity is a direction of giving continuously weakness to the mind. To build strength you need an inner mind full of positive thoughts. If you recognize your weakness, then you will find strength in overcoming them. Does not pay more attention to your weakness because it has a way of weakening your strength. Losers concentrate on their weakness while winners concentrate on their strengths. A sign of weakness does not mean one is defeated but a resting ground to plan the strategy to come back and win. 

[5]. Bad Habit And It Woes. The bad habit starts gradually and before long, it becomes a habit that you can’t do without. A little alcohol wouldn’t harm. That is all it is said and you know what, it harms even to the end of it. Indulging in bad habits would only make a mess of your life and perpetually keep you on the low life all the time. Nothing destroys your values like bad habits. It makes you less human and destroys the consciousness that is your heart. Bad habits limit you and make others still reject you even after you have gotten rid of them. Bad habits become a character if not checked. What you hear has a way of influencing your thoughts. And what you see, the mind has a way of storing it. 

Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday that You Can Use Daily
Positive Affirmation Quotes to Say Everyday that You Can Use Daily
These positive affirmation quotes to say everyday is a daily affirmation that will bring about positive results in your life and that of others.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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