Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated

Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated

These unique quotes on life are short quotes about life, short inspirational quotes and hope quotes about life that will inspire you.

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 Best Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated

You can fulfil your potential every day with the aid of motivational words. Yes, they are only words. But they are words of encouragement. And sometimes that's exactly what you need if you're on the point of giving up or striving to push yourself to the next level.

Therefore, learning how to encourage yourself and programme your brain for success can be helpful whether you're trying to complete a project, launch a new side business, or achieve that huge life goal.

So let's explore motivation, self-motivation, and inspirational quotations to help you get back on track. Don't forget to bookmark this page because these inspiring quotations will give you the boost you need to get through the day.

Positive Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated

Here are unique quotes on life that you need as a driving force to help you achieve many of your life's purposes. These positive life quotes are inspirational quotes and messages that will help propel you to greatness. Saturday Positive Quotes to Begin a Blessed Day

[1]. Your countenance towards anything is what will define your person at such times. 

[2]. If your countenance is wrong and you become angry about other people's progress, then how do you expect such goodwill to flow around you? Be happy for others for in it you will find happiness in whatsoever your hand will find to do.

[3]. Your acceptance into the league of those with the great mind is at the instant of your understanding of the value of life. 

[4]. If you do well people will recognize you based on your contribution to the growth of humanity. 

[5]. In all your dealing, let your consciousness always think of how you can contribute to the advancement of the human race. But the moment you thought is how to do evil, then evil is what will follow you. And in it, you will never find any good reward even if you feel you are getting a reward at hand but the end is what will justify it all which is always a sad end for others to relate to. 

[6]. Sometimes those who associate with you and you feel they are with good intentions are actually planning your downfall right within their heart. 

[7]. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to put your trust in man. The hearts of men are naturally wicked and their thought about your progress is lined with envy. They will within their hearts seek to destroy your goodwill even while pretending to be your true friend. 

[8]. Be guided by wisdom while dealing with those you consider to be your true friends because your downfall at any time if traced with diligence is what actually might come from your trusted friends.

[9]. Nobody will talk good of you to your back if your progress gives them sleepless nights. Some people who are below the line of making progress would seem to blame anyone for their state of lawlessness without pointing the right finger at themselves. 

[10]. If you are making progress in what you do, just keep to it and develop a thick skin to accommodate those whose minds will never appreciate good things

[11]. If you allow yourself to be taken back by what people might say of you, then for sure you are not ready to accommodate the blessing that comes your way. 

[12]. Every progress calls for questioning either good or bad. And if you allow yourself to be held down by their opinion of you then sincerely you are not ready to face the battle in the reality of life.

[13]. When you envy and lead others to their downfall then what will be your achievement? Those who become a stumbling block to others' progress will also find others to be a stumbling block to their own progress. 

[14]. The law of karma is still in vogue. And do not think that what you have gotten in the downfall of others is an act of sweet revenge. Just be ready if your heart is of evil thoughts that the same measurement you gave to others is what you will receive in return. 

[15]. The best you can do is to help others achieve their dreams and not become the guiding steps to their downfall. 

Short Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated

How To Let Your Light So Shine That Men Would See And Want To Identify With You. “One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.” – Chinua Achebe

Actually, I do not want to dwell on the life of a man who has given to us and the yet unborn generation what to ponder about for the rest of our life if ever we come across the collections of his literary works. At 82, Chinua Achebe is gone, gone with a mark that lives on the sand of time.

At that age, should he be mourned or celebrated? Many would call for either way depending on how you look at it. But actually, I would say celebration for he lives a life of fulfilment and had lived something for us to celebrate about.

“Life is a journey, a journey that would bring us to an end. Our end it is, we should determine from our very beginning.”

Like they say, it is not how long you live that matters but how well it is. And how many lives you have impacted positively. Another is for you to fulfil the purpose for which you were created. Life is all about the fulfilment of purpose and we all are created to fulfil our God-given purpose here on earth. In other to fulfil that purpose, it is our sole responsibility to discover that purpose. Sometimes, people might help us discover our purpose but it is our duty to nurture it to its fulfilment. It is paramount to note that living a life without fulfilling a purpose is like living without existing.

“Everyone can live but not all exist.”

To exist means to embody the process of living in another to fulfil a purpose. Sincerely, existing gives us the drive to strive with passion within us with the sole aim to fulfill our God-given purpose. This we would discover through what we have passion for. What you have passion for, is what gives you the needed drive to make that a reality. Achebe got a scholarship to study Medicine, but his passion for creative writing, made him change to Art. And at a youthful age, he gave us the most literally translated novel in the world from an African writer – Things Fall Apart.    

God’s given purpose for a man like He said in the book of Genesis was to subdue the earth. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis [1:27 KJV].

We were to actualize our dream on earth before our time. In all men, God has given us the potential to make our purpose a fulfilment. Now it is our sole responsibility to achieve that purpose and make it come to fulfilment. If we fail, we have not only failed our Maker but ourselves too. And when you fail, you can never be happy with all that is around you.

There is a big need to strive in all that is within us to make our dream come true. We shouldn’t live as if we have all the time in the world to achieve that which is our given purpose.

“Strive within yourself with all you have got to make your dream a reality.”

We should realize that the earth we are in is like a marketplace that we have only come to trade and when the night comes, we should be ready even if we are not prepared to go back home.

Every man was created for a purpose and as we live, we should endeavour to always put this at the back of our minds to live a valuable treasure that will positively affect other people's lives on the sand of time.

Great men think of what to discover and give to their yet-unborn generation to benefit from and not live like they have all the time at hand. For us to fulfil our purpose, we should think of using our God-given talents to benefit the human race.

“It is when you fulfilled the purpose that is when you would be valued.”

There is no great or little talent; we all have ours in the little measure we can accommodate. And using it to achieve greatness no matter how little we feel about it should be our uttermost desire.

“No matter how little you felt you are, never despised the gift within you.”  

Whatsoever you find your hand to do, do it well and be exceptional at it. It is through this, that you would be noted for and in there would your greatness arise. We should let our light so shine because, at the first instant, our creation was for us to showcase our given talent which is a free gift from our Creator.

If we discover our talent and make it shine, then our reward would be a joy not only to us but to all and our Maker who admonished us in Matthew [5:16], “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.      

[16]. When you enriched others, others will enrich you but if you become the source of their downfall, others will do the same to you. In this, you have to choose which camp you seek to belong to if to be a blessing or to be of a curse.

[17].  When by your evil thoughts and action you cause another man’s downfall then how do you feel about your action? If by your thought and action, you made another become the victim of circumstance; then know that there is the law of karma. 

[18]. Even if you try to skip that from your mind, remember that your conscience shall always judge you till the day you confess. 

[19]. There is no need for you to spill the blood of another for that which is vanity. If you think you have won today, be cheating others of their right; just remember that you will never have your way at all times. 

[20]. Karma has a way of revisiting its woes and if you do not want to be her victim; then let your hands at all times be clean. 

[21]. When you cheat others in order to have your way on that which is vanity; then be prepared to live a life that adds no true value to humanity. And in as much as you enjoy the loot of that cheat, what you are doing to yourself is killing the value of self-worth inside of you. 

[22]. Remember if the way you feel is alright to you but such is causing others pain because of your selfishness then have it in mind that such action shall always come back to play the same tune on you. 

[23]. In all wickedness that you perfected against another is just for a short time. If you don’t have your reward immediately, soon it shall be made manifest. And if you pass on without having your reward here on earth; your generation after you shall always come to partake in it. 

[24]. It is of essence to always live right and to always be a vessel of honour. A life of greed with gain is a life of destruction in the later days. Be wise and do not let selfishness destroy that which is your promising and glorious future.

[25]. Your reward in an atmosphere of wickedness you shall always receive if you fail not to forsake your ways of wickedness. Wickedness to your fellow human is the same wickedness to yourself. 

[26]. When you think out to play the same wickedness on others, just consider yourself in their shoes. 

[27]. What will it profit you to see others suffer because of your wicked action? Those who derived pleasure to see others suffer would never gain any selfless honour added to their name but would always be remembered by humanity for the wickedness that they perpetrated in the name of wanting to gain the pleasure of things in life that are never of eternal value.

[28]. For you not to be a castaway, then you need to live your life right and that which is worthy of emulation. Do not live your life in order to see others cry. And do not derive pleasure from seeing others weep. What you wouldn’t like others to do to you, do not carry out the same action on others. 

[29]. If you want to be a blessing to your generation, then you will do yourself a pleasure to be the best that has the genuine interest of others at heart. 

[30]. When others can live with you without any iota of fear and doubt; then the world for sure shall be a better place to live in. Life is a function of hope and that hope can only be displayed if we strived to be one another’s keepers.

Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated
Unique Quotes on Life That Can Keep You Motivated
These unique quotes on life are short quotes about life, short inspirational quotes and hope quotes about life that will inspire you.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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